[Melles] Pliocene and Pleistocene mass movement events in Lake El´gygytgyn, northeastern Siberia, and their effects on the ´pelagic´ sediment record

German Title: Pliocene and Pleistocene mass movement events in Lake El´gygytgyn, northeastern Siberia, and their effects on the ´pelagic´ sediment record

Abbreviation: 276

Current Status: completed

Main Applicant:Prof. Dr. Martin Melles

Resources Recipient

Other Persons

Dr. Olaf Juschus
Dr. Wenwei Zhao

Conveyor Begin:
Conveyor End:
Conveyor Duration:
Year: 2012


The investigations reported here have contributed significantly to the ICDP funded „El'gygytgyn Drilling Project“ in northeastern Siberia. They applied to the 318 m long lake sediment record that was recovered in spring 2009 above a suevite layer in the 3.6 Myr old El´gygytgyn impact crater, with focus on the mass movement deposits that occur incised into the 'pelagic' lake sediments. The scientific expectations of the project were widely fulfilled, namely: (i) the mass movement deposits in the record were identified, (ii) the mass movement deposits were classified and genetically interpreted, (iii) the potentially erosive mass movement events were identified and maximum values for erosion were detected, and (iv) first information concerning the the source areas of mass movement events was obtained. The project thus, firstly, provided fundamental contributions to the unterstanding of gravitational mass movement processes in large lakes. Secondly, it provided important background information for the paleoclimatological investigation of the sediment core that was and will be carried out on the ´pelagic´ sediments within the scopes of other national and international projects.

Related Publications

Coletti, A. J., DeConto, R. M., Brigham-Grette, J., Melles, M. (2015). "A GCM comparison of Pleistocene super-interglacial periods in relation to Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Arctic Russia" Clim. Past 11 p979-989

Sauerbrey, M. A., Juschus, O., Gebhardt, A. C., Wennrich, V., Nowaczyk, N. R., Melles, M. (2013). "Mass movement deposits in the 3.6 Ma sediment record of Lake El'gygytgyn, Far East Russian Arctic" Clim. Past 9 p1949-1967

Brigham-Grette, Julie, Melles, Martin (2009). "Complex drilling logistics for Lake El’gygytgyn, NE Russia" Scientific Drilling 7 p38-39