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Rasolofosaon, P. N. J., Rabbel, W., Siegesmund, S., Vollbrecht, A. (2000). "Characterization of crack distribution: fabric analysis versus ultrasonic inversion" Geophysical Journal International 141 p413-424

Harjes, H. P., Bram, K., Dürbaum, H. J., Gebrande, H., Hirschmann, G., Janik, M., Klöckner, M., Lüschen, E., Rabbel, W., Simon, M., Thomas, R., Tormann, J., Wenzel, F. (1997). "Origin and nature of crystal reflections: Results from integrated seismic measurements at the KTB superdeep drilling site" Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 p18267-18288

Rabbel, Wolfgang, Mooney, Walter D. (1996). "Seismic anisotropy of the crystalline crust: what does it tell us?" Terra Nova 8 p16-21