Zugehörige Publikationen

Beilecke, T., Bram, K., Buske, S. (2010). "Pressure-dependent seismic reflection amplitude changes in crystalline crust: lessons learned at the Continental Deep Drilling Site (KTB)" Geophysical Journal International 180 p311-326

Harjes, H. P., Bram, K., Dürbaum, H. J., Gebrande, H., Hirschmann, G., Janik, M., Klöckner, M., Lüschen, E., Rabbel, W., Simon, M., Thomas, R., Tormann, J., Wenzel, F. (1997). "Origin and nature of crystal reflections: Results from integrated seismic measurements at the KTB superdeep drilling site" Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 p18267-18288

Lüschen, Ewald, Bram, Kurt, Söllner, Walter, Sobolev, Stephan (1996). "Nature of seismic reflections and velocities from VSP-experiments and borehole measurements at the KTB deep drilling site in southeast Germany" Tectonophysics 264 p309-326