[Ryberg] Voruntersuchungen an der globalen Lokation "San Andreas Fault System"

German Title: Voruntersuchungen an der globalen Lokation "San Andreas Fault System"

Abbreviation: 166

Current Status: completed

Main Applicant:Dr. Trond Ryberg

Resources Recipient

Other Persons

Conveyor Begin:
Conveyor End:
Conveyor Duration:
Year: 1997

Related Publications

Ryberg, T., Hole, J. A., Fuis, G. S., Rymer, M. J., Bleibinhaus, F., Stromeyer, D., Bauer, K. (2012). "Tomographic Vp and Vs structure of the California Central Coast Ranges, in the vicinity of SAFOD, from controlled-source seismic data" Geophysical Journal International 190 p1341-1360