2022 - ongoing
BioMetArchive - Subsurface biosphere metagenomics along the 1 Ma sedimentary archive of ferruginous Lake Towuti, Indonesia.
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Aurèle Vuillemin |

2022 - ongoing
Multi-scale calibrations of electrical properties to probe the deep crust
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Virginia Toy |

2022 - ongoing
Chemical weathering and the onset of biomineralization on the Planet during the Late Ediacaran
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Gustavo Macedo de Paula Santos |

2022 - ongoing
Deep seismic and Late Quaternary sedimentological investigations of the great lakes of Nicaragua (NicaBridge ICDP pre-site survey)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Krastel |

2022 - ongoing
Probing the roots of the Bushveld Complex: drilling through the lower zones into the intrusive floor
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Karsten Haase |

2022 - ongoing
Evolution of the Terminal Ediacaran–earliest Cambrian ecosystems in the southern Nama Basin (GRIND-ECT drilling project): When, why, and how? – A multidisciplinary approach
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Axel Gerdes |

2022 - ongoing
Improving the characterization of overdeepened Alpine valleys by combining seismic reflection imaging and waveform inversion
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Thomas Burschil |

2022 - ongoing
Establishment of a novel approach to trace Lake Tanganyika's gastropod faunal evolution
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Christian Albrecht |

2021 - 2024
Deformation mechanisms along the Main Marmara Fault DeMMaF
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth |

2021 - 2024
Earthquake source characterization and directivity effects near Istanbul: Implications for seismic hazard
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Patricia Martinez Garzon |

2021 - ongoing
COSC 2 – Providing first constraints on the age and setting of Proterozoic igneous and early Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks below and within the Caledonian nappe pile
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Oliver Lehnert |

2021 - ongoing
Deciphering West African climate change during the last 1.1 million years
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Christian Zeeden |

2021 - ongoing
The role of cohesion in fault slip style
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Matt Ikari |

2021 - ongoing
The mafic magma plumbing system in the Snake River Plain Province (Yellowstone hotspot, USA): Contribution from the analysis of crystal cargoes and melt inclusions in basaltic lavas from the Kimama drilling core.
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Francois Holtz |

2021 - ongoing
Spectroscopic mineral - chemical analysis of drill cores: Development of fast 2D LIBS, EDXRF and hyperspectral scanning with application to outstanding problems of the Bushveld Complex layered intrusion
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Dieter Rammlmair |

2021 - 2024
Non-double-couple moment tensor components and their relation to fluid flow in the West-Bohemia/Vogtland region
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Stefanie Donner |

2021 - ongoing
Seismic crosshole tomography as contribution to understand sedimentation processes in glacially-overdeepened valleys
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Thomas Burschil |

2021 - 2024
Seismic site characterization in and around the COSC-2 drillhole
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Stefan Buske |

2021 - ongoing
TephroMed: Tephrochronological Synchronisation of the Dead Sea and Lake Van ICDP sediment records in the eastern Mediterranean for the last 130 kyrs
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Markus Schwab |

2020 - ongoing
Causes and effects of climate variations and rapid hydrological shifts in the northern Neotropics during the last glacial/interglacial cycle
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bauersachs |

2020 - ongoing
Understanding the crust-mantle transition from fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges: experiments and analytical studies using ICDP OmanDP drill core samples
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Dieter Garbe-Schönberg |

2020 - ongoing
The role of environment in adaptive radiations: Integrating genetic, fossil, and paleoenvironmental information to infer drivers of diatom evolution in the East African Rift lakes
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Elena Jovanovska |

2020 - ongoing
How was the Bushveld complex assembled? Pulsed intrusions, crystallization conditions and the origin of layering in the Main Zone
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Robert Trumbull |

2020 - ongoing
Metabarcoding of ancient eukaryotic DNA from Chew Bahir, Ethiopia: Reconstruction of past biodiversity responses to drastic environmental change
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Michael Hofreiter |

2020 - 2023
SEIZE - SEismic imaging of the Ivrea ZonE
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Michael Weber |

2019 - ongoing
Locating Scattered Energy in Vogtland’s Earthquake Swarm Source Area through Double 3D-Array Beamforming and Inter-Event Coda Correlation Imaging
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Matthias Ohrnberger |

2019 - ongoing
Dynamics of fluid flow in Westbohemia/ Vogtland: Imaging and Detection (Bohemian FluID)
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Katrin Hannemann |

2018 - ongoing
Understanding axial melt lens dynamics and lower crust accretion at fast-spreading midocean ridges: new insights from drill cores obtained by the ICDP Oman Drilling Project
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Dieter Garbe-Schönberg |

2018 - ongoing
Physical properties, in situ structure and cyclicity of 1300 m Early Jurassic mudstones from geophysical logs in the ICDP Mochras borehole, West Wales
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Thomas Wonik |

2017 - ongoing
Evaluation of cored carbonates (COREF): a transect in the tropical to subtropical realm in the Ryukyu Islands (Japan)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Maria Mutti |

2017 - ongoing
First low-frequency 3D seismic investigation of the deep magmatic-hydrothermal system and architecture of the Campi Flegrei caldera to complement an amphibian ICDP/IODP drilling effort
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Lena Steinmann |

2016 - ongoing
Insights into the origin of a Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot based on palynological and biomarker analyses of Lake Ohrid sediments from Early Pleistocene (> 1.2 Ma)
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Konstantinos Panagiotopoulos |

2015 - ongoing
Seismic Pre-Site Survey for ICDP Drilling Locations at Lake Nam Co, Tibet
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Volkhard Spieß |

2015 - ongoing
High-resolution 3-D multi-component seismics for an improved structural, facial, and process-related characterisation of glacially overdeepened valleys and basins in the Alps
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Gerald Gabriel |

2021 - 2022
Metal fertilization in the crust-mantle transition zone for a fast-spreading ridge environment
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Astrid Holzheid |

2021 - 2023
Conditions for nanocrystals formation in Krafla shallow rhyolitic magma: A potential site for explosive eruptions
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Francisco Caceres |

2020 - 2022
Three-component borehole magnetics in the COSC-2 drill hole
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Christopher Virgil |

2020 - 2021
Early Phanerozoic outer shelf succession of Baltica beneath the Caledonian nappes: a first evaluation of the sedimentary record from the COSC 2 core hole, Sweden
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Oliver Lehnert |

2020 - 2021
Linking terrestrial and marine ecosystem re-sponses to climate variability since the Last In-terglacial in southeast European refugia (Lake Ohrid and Gulf of Corinth)
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Konstantinos Panagiotopoulos |

2020 - 2022
Paleoclimate and paleoecology of the continental Eastern Mediterranean region - High-resolution pollen analysis from Lake Van during the Middle Pleistocene (MIS 8 to 10)
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Nadine Pickarski |

2019 - 2022
LISTVEIN: Multiscale structure evolution during peridotite carbonation and hydration in an oceanic subduction zone: a case study of listvenite in the Oman Ophiolite
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Klaus Reicherter |

2019 - 2020
CryptoTEPHrochronology in the ICDP Dead Sea deep core as a key to synchronise past hydroclimate changes in the eastern MEditerranean (TEPH-ME)
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Ina Neugebauer |

2019 - 2021
Genomic Explorations into the Microbial Metabolisms of an Active Rift System
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Daniel Lipus |

2019 - 2022
Calibrated pollen-based reconstruction of East African vegetation and landscape change throughout the entire existence of anatomically modern humans from the ~ 250,000 yr Lake Challa sediment record
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Lisa Schüler-Goldbach |

2019 - 2021
Siberian fire regime shifts during interglacials of the last 3.6 Myrs inferred from sedimentary records of Lake El’gygytgyn (NE Asia)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Dietze |

2019 - 2022
Late Quaternary history of Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan, inferred from surface, outcrop, and abyssal core sediments
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Bernd Wagner |

2018 - 2019
Flow cytometry method for purification of fossil pollen from Lake Van varved sediments for AMS radiocarbon dating – a new approach
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Nadine Pickarski |

2018 - ongoing
Melting and storage conditions of rhyolites in the Snake River Plain Province , USA
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Francois Holtz |

2018 - 2022
Site characterization of the PIER-ICDP drill holes by imaging the subsurface electrical conductivity structure: local and regional structure beneath Mýtina and Neualbenreuth Maar (ConeEM)
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Ute Weckmann |

2018 - 2020
Boreal forest bi-stability around Lake El’gygytgyn (NE Russia) during interglacial of the last 2.15 Million years
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Herzschuh |

2018 - 2019
MEDMESS: Quantifying Mediterranean environmental change during the Messinian Salinity Crisis
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Iuliana Vasiliev-Popa |

2018 - 2020
Deciphering climate information from authigenic mineral transformations in the Chew Bahir sediment cores: Towards a continuous half-million year climate record from the Southern Ethiopian Rift.
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Verena Förster |

2018 - 2020
Permeability’s role around magma bodies: a way for gradually deforming or suddenly erupting
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Cristian Montanaro |

2018 - 2019
Processes of hydrogen genesis during seismic cycles in active fault zones (ProHydroGen)
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Martin Zimmer |

2018 - 2019
Coupled Cr and Mo isotope investigations of post-GOE Paleoproterozoic sediments: Testing the hypothesis of an oxygen overshoot in atmospheric O2 levels
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Ronny Schönberg |

2018 - 2023
Sediment provenance and past hydrological balance in the Dead Sea region during the Early Holocene - PRO-HYDRO
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Rik Tjallingii |

2018 - 2020
Tephrostratigraphy and tephrochronology of a 410 ka sediment record from the Fucino Basin, central Italy, unites Mediterranean and North Atlantic archives
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Bernd Wagner |

2017 - ongoing
MagmaCourse: Fluid pathways below the Eger Rift constrained by numerical and analog simulations coupled to MT inversions.
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Eleonora Rivalta |

2017 - 2019
Rupture processes and magnitude statistics of induced earthquakes and aftershocks: A detailed view from deep South African gold mines
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Jörn Kummerow |

2017 - 2020
Mechanics of terrestrial peak-ring crater formation
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Riller |

2017 - 2020
ICDP Project SUSTAIN (Scientific Drilling of Surtsey Volcano): Experimental studies on formation and thermal history of Surtsey
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Bernd Zimanowski |

2017 - ongoing
High-resolution imaging of the North Anatolian Fault Zone in the broader Marmara region from near-fault seismic recordings
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Marco Bohnhoff |

2017 - 2021
Paleoenvironmental indications and cyclostratigraphic studies of sediments from tropical Lake Towuti obtained from downhole logging
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Thomas Wonik |

2017 - 2021
Core-log-seismic integration in hard rock environments using the ICDP drilling project COSC-1, Sweden
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Christian Berndt |

2017 - 2018
Early Hominin Adaptation in the Southern East African Rift. Plio-Pleistocene African temperature, ecosystem and early hominin diet patterns across a woodland-grassland savanna boundary
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Tina Lüdecke |

2017 - 2021
Relating physical properties from geophysical downhole logging data with clay mineralogy from drill core samples of the ICDP Lake Junín drilling project, Peru
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Simona Pierdominici |

2017 - 2019
Exploring the potential of a new North American Plio-Pleistocene paleoclimate record from the yet unopened drill core from paleo-Lake Idaho
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Erwin Appel |

2017 - 2021
Trends, rhythms and events in East African climate: statistical analysis of the paleoclimare records of the long sediment cores of the Chew Bahir basin
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Martin Trauth |

2016 - 2019
DNA-Metabarcoding of phyto- and zooplankton in East African lake sediments as proxies for past environmental perturbation
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Michael Hofreiter |

2016 - 2020
2D and 3D fabric quantification of conduit textures to understand eruption dynamics and mechanisms: unique in situ example of Mt Unzen
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Kai-Uwe Hess |

2016 - ongoing
High-resolution reflection and refraction seismic characterization of the projected PIER-ICDP fluid monitoring sites in the Novy Kostel swarm earthquake region
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Stefan Buske |

2016 - 2020
Determination of cooling rates of the lower oceanic crust on drilled rocks of the ICDP Oman Drilling Project.
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Kathrin Faak |

2016 - ongoing
Long term tectonic and paleoclimatic history of Lake Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan - results from an ICDP-related deep seismic pre-site survey campaign
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Volkhard Spieß |

2016 - 2018
Large-scale geoelectrical survey in the Eger Rift zone (W-Bohemia) at proposed PIER-ICDP fluid monitoring drill sites to image fluid-related resistivity structures
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Christina Flechsig |

2016 - ongoing
Impact of geogenic CO2 on the depth distribution of and feedstock provision for deep microbial communities in the Hartousov mofette system in NW Bohemia
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Kai Mangelsdorf |

2016 - 2017
Seismic reconnaissance survey for the ICDP proposal 'Paleoclimate, Paleoenvironment, and Paleoecology of Neogene Central America: Bridging Continents and Oceans (NICA-BRIDGE)'
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Krastel |

2016 - ongoing
Rates and processes of tephra alteration in Surtsey volcano: a combined observational and experimental approach
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bach |

2016 - ongoing
Supply of soluble Fe to ocean surface waters - quantitative approaches from ICDP site Hawaii by determining interface driven Fe transfer from subsurface volcanic rocks
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Harald Behrens |

2016 - 2018
(HiPerCorRig) Development of a mobile, multi component Down-The-Hole coring rig for recovery of high quality, long soft sediment cores
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Rolf Bracke |

2015 - 2016
Site characterization of the PIER-ICDP drill locations to understand the relation between earthquake swarms, mofette fields and crustal fluid pathways by imaging the electrical conductivity structure
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Ute Weckmann |

2015 - 2019
Terrestrial ecosystem response to climate variability during MIS 12-11 in SE Europe based on high-resolution pollen analysis of Lake Ohrid ICDP core sediments.
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Andreas Koutsodendris |

2015 - 2017
Formation of authigenic minerals associated with microbial activity in ferruginous sediments, Lake Towuti
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Aurèle Vuillemin |

2015 - 2017
Geomechanical Investigation of Frictional Stability in DFDP Drilling Samples from the Alpine Fault, New Zealand
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Matt Ikari |

2015 - 2017
Long in-situ sections in the Wadi Gideah, Oman ophiolite: The key for understanding the mechanism of accretion, magmatic evolution and cooling of lower fast-spread oceanic crust
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Dieter Garbe-Schönberg |

2015 - 2018
Microbial processes in the deep biosphere of the CO2-dominated active fault zone in NW Bohemia
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Marshal Alawi |

2015 - 2019
Modelling of steady-state vs transient heat transfer in the COSC-1 drillhole, Central Sweden
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Christophe Pascal |

2015 - 2017
Seismische Charakterisierung der DFDP-2 Bohrlochumgebung
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Stefan Buske |

2015 - 2017
Volcanic, climatic and geodynamic factors controlling the evolution of Lake Van (Turkey)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Schmincke |

2015 - 2019
Faulting processes in active faults - Microstructural, mineralogical and geochemical characterization of drill core samples from international drilling projects
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Christoph Janssen |

2015 - 2017
The Eastern Mediterranean - Levant late Quaternary climates: Paleohydrology and Extreme Floods from the Dead Sea ICDP Core (PALEX-II)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Achim Brauer |

2014 - 2018
Facies analysis of the Mapepe Foreland Basin, Barberton Greenstone Belt, by well-to-well correlation
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Heubeck |

2014 - 2018
Experimental study on the production of rhyolites from basaltic sources in the bimodal Snake River Plain-Yellowstone province
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Renat Almeev |

2014 - 2017
Drivers of evolutionary changes and community dynamics in ancient Lake Ohrid across taxa: A synthesis of molecular, fossil and sediment record data
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Christian Albrecht |

2014 - 2017
The current state of the hidden magmatic process beneath the western Eger Rift after the 2011 earthquake swarm traced by isotope studies
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Karin Bräuer |

2014 - 2017
Decadal- to orbital-scale climate variability in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool during the past ca. 650,000 years
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Martin Melles |

2014 - 2016
High-resolution Imaging of Swarm Systems through seismological re-processing of earthquakeswarm episodes employing full waveform double-difference methods [HISS]
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Catherine Alexandrakis |

2014 - 2018
Geomicrobiology of Fe-rich sediments of Lake Towuti
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Jens Kallmeyer |

2014 - ongoing
Detection and localization of acoustic signals from fluid ascent channels near CO2 degassing sites in the Cheb basin (West-Bohemia)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Michael Korn |

2014 - 2017
Tephrochronology of lacustrine ash layers in Lake Petén Itzá sediments: Implications for regional volcanology and Central American palaeoclimate
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Steffen Kutterolf |

2014 - 2018
Geochemistry of Gases in the Alpine Fault, DFDP-2
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Martin Zimmer |

2014 - 2017
The lacustrine species flocks in the ancient lakes of Sulawesi (Indonesia): Linking organismic diversification and key environmental events
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Fabian Herder |

2014 - 2018
Scientific Collaboration on Past Speciation Conditions in Lake Ohrid (SCOPSCO) - sedimentstratigraphy, tephrostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Bernd Wagner |

2014 - 2017
High resolution P- and S-wave velocity and attenuation models for the SAFOD site from visco-elastic full seismic waveform inversion of the SAFOD-2003 data
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Florian Bleibinhaus |

2014 - 2017
The Chew Bahir Drilling Project - Deconvolving climatic versus tectonic forcing in the source-to-sink sediment system of extensional provinces: New insights from the Chew Bahir Basin, South Ethiopia
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Daniel Melnick |

2013 - 2014
Glacial terrestrial climate in the southern high latitudes: The potential of the PASADO core from southern Patagonia
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Gesine Mollenhauer |

2013 - 2016
Metasomatic diopsidite, nephrite, epidosite, and rodingite veins: witnesses of fluid flow in the history of formation and emplacement of the Oman Ophiolite
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bach |

2013 - 2017
Lake Van Drilling Project "PALEOVAN", a long continental record in eastern Turkey: Geochronology, palynostratigraphy and environmental response on volcanic events
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Litt |

2013 - 2017
Seismic site characterization in and around the COSC-1 drillhole
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Stefan Buske |

2013 - 2018
The Chew Bahir Drilling Project: A Half-Million Year Climate Record from the Southern Ethiopian Rift, Crucible of Human Evolution
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Frank Schäbitz |

2013 - 2016
Borehole Seismogram Calibration and Deconvolution for Ground Motion and Earthquake Source Studies: Applications to the ICDP-GONAF project in NW Turkey
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Marco Bohnhoff |

2013 - 2015
Seismic site characterization of the proposal ICDP drilling project in the Baza Basin (Southern Spain)
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Christian Haberland |

2013 - 2016
Spherule layers in the 2011 ICDP drilling in the Barberton Mountain Land: Early impact record on Earth
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Uwe Reimold |

2013 - 2017
Effects of Abrupt Climate Change on Ice Age Ecosystem of Lake Petén Itzá and on Distribution Patterns of Ostracodes across the Yucatán Peninsula
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Antje Schwalb |

2013 - 2016
Modelling the Bohemian Earthquake Swarms: Application of a poro-thermo-elastic plastic model with weakening, damage and multiphase flow in GPU
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Stephen Miller |

2013 - 2016
Determination of the depth of rhyolitic magma chambers in the Snake River Plain province, USA,: an experimental calibration
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Francois Holtz |

2012 - 2014
Timely sample acquisition of Archean spherule layers from the 2011 ICDP drilling in the Barberton Mountain Land: Early impact record on Earth
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Uwe Reimold |

2012 - 2017
Chronological framework for Lake Baikal and Lake Elgygytgyn drill cores and orbital forcing of continental climate in the Northern Hemisphere during the past 3.6 Ma
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Alexander Prokopenko |

2012 - 2015
Quantifying the interaction of seismicity and gas transport in fractured hard rock at earthquake focal depth (DAFGAS-II)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Joerg Erzinger |

2012 - 2016
Digitizing drill logs and geophysical data from Issyk Kul
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Roland Oberhänsli |

2012 - 2017
Shallow structures of the marine Campi Flegrei Caldera and the volcanoclastic and sedimentary deposits in the Bay of Naples
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Volkhard Spieß |

2012 - 2016
Simulation of magma ascent prior to the high risk caldera forming eruptions of Campi Flegrei in the frame of CFDDP
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Marcus Nowak |

2012 - 2015
Characterization of the seismic velocity field and crustal anisotropy in the Marmara region, NW Turkey, using ambient noise
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Marco Bohnhoff |

2012 - 2015
Automated Identification and Timing of Crustal Phases for Tomographic Studies: Applications to the Marmara region, NW Turkey
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Marco Bohnhoff |

2012 - 2015
Interglacial climate variability
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Achim Brauer |

2012 - 2016
Bathymetric Survey of Lake Van (BathyVan), Turkey - finding answers to objectives not directly addressed by ICDP drilling at Lake Van
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Krastel |

2012 - 2015
Mechanisms of alteration of basaltic and rhyolitic glasses considering solution chemistry and passivating properties of palagonite - a case study on ICDP drilling sites Hawaii and Snake River Plain
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Harald Behrens |

2012 - 2013
Assimilation and mixing of crystal-bearing magmas in the Snake River Plain, NW United States: rheological timescales for magmatism of large silicic provinces
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Christina Maria Pinheiro de Campos |

2012 - 2015
Lake Issyk Kul: Neotectonic deformation of (paleo-) shorelines and their link with intermontane basin closure and lake-level fluctuations
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Angela Landgraf |

2012 - 2016
Establishing a reference profile for fast-spreading oceanic crust: Petrology and geochemistry of the "Wadi Gideah" cross section in the Oman ophiolite
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Dieter Garbe-Schönberg |

2012 - 2014
Aufbau und Ausstattung des Nationalen Bohrkernlagers für wissenschaftliche, kontinentale Festgesteinsbohrungen an der BGR-Außenstelle in Berlin-Spandau
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Jochen Erbacher |

2011 - 2013
Additional pre-survey for the project "Establishing a reference profile for fast-spreading oceanic crust: Petrology and geochemistry of the Wadi Gideah cross section in the Oman ophiolite"
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Koepke |

2011 - 2016
Processes of hydrothermal alteration in early Archaean oceanic crust
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Annika Dziggel |

2011 - 2015
Spatial and temporal variations of the fluid signatures with regard to ongoing magmatic and different earthquake swarm activity beneath the Cheb basin/CZ
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Gerhard Strauch |

2011 - 2013
Geological study of the crater rim and the ejecta blanket of the El´gygytgyn impact structure, Siberia
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Uwe Reimold |

2011 - 2017
A multiple isotope and trace element approach to constrain the oxygenation and metal cycling of 3.5 to 3.2 Ga paleo-oceans
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Brey |

2011 - 2012
Continental drilling through the shallow Alpine fault, New Zealand
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Achim Kopf |

2011 - 2014
The petrology, geochemistry and age determination of impact melt from the USGS-ICDP drill core Eyreville-B from the late Eocene Chesapeake Bay impact structure
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Vera Assis Fernandes |

2011 - 2015
Bündelantrag SCOPSCO: Scientific Collaboration on Past Speciation Conditions in Lake Ohrid - Physical properties, structural features, and climate signals derived from downhole logging
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Thomas Wonik |

2011 - 2017
Seismic investigation of Lake Issyk-Kul sediments - paleoclimatic and tectonic evolution of the lake and its basin
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Catalina Gebhardt |

2011 - 2014
Bündelantrag PASADO-Support 3: Identification of eolian input at the Laguna Potrok Aike drill site, Patagonia
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Christian Ohlendorf |

2011 - 2015
Ordovician climate change, sea level history and bioevents: the Baltoscandic record
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Oliver Lehnert |

2011 - 2015
Seismic site characterization - Alpine Fault drilling project
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Stefan Buske |

2011 - 2015
Pliocene Arctic vegetation and its feedbacks with climate: combining Lake El´gygytgyn pollen data and vegetation modelling
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Herzschuh |

2011 - 2016
Bündelantrag SCOPSCO: Scientific Collaboration on Past Speciation Conditions in Lake Ohrid - Korrelation zwischen seismischen Daten und physikalischen und sedimentologischen Eigeschaften erbohrter Sedimente
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Krastel |

2011 - 2017
Scientific Collaboration on Past Speciation Conditions in Lake Ohrid (SCOPSCO): Coring and Sedimentology
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Bernd Wagner |

2011 - 2013
Geochemistry of gases in spring waters along the Alpine Fault, South Island of New Zealand
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Samuel Niedermann |

2011 - 2016
Southern Patagonian climate during the last 55,000 years: insights from lipid biomarkers and their isotopes (PASADO Lipids)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Gesine Mollenhauer |

2010 - 2011
Registrierung von durch das Schwarmbeben im Oktober 2008 verursachten gasgeochemischen Anomalien an Entgasungsstellen im Vogtland und NW Böhmen
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Karin Bräuer |

2010 - 2013
High resolution analysis of sediments from the Dead Sea, Israel - Development of scientific standards for the proposed Dead Sea Deep Drilling Project (DSDDP)
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Ute Frank |

2010 - 2013
Tracing paleo-permafrost with meteoric 10Be and in-situ 26Al/10Be - A proof of concept
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Georg Schwamborn |

2010 - 2015
Impact of long-term explosive volcanism from Nemrut and Süphan volcanoes on the compositional, temporal, dynamic, and paleoclimatic evolution of Lake Van (Turkey)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Schmincke |

2010 - 2015
Pliocene and Pleistocene mass movement events in Lake El´gygytgyn, northeastern Siberia, and their effects on the ´pelagic´ sediment record
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Martin Melles |

2010 - 2014
Seismic and Seismological Features of the Vogtland-Bohemia Earthquake Swarms - in preparation for a high resolution seismic survey and scientific drilling
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Serge A. Shapiro |

2010 - 2013
Microbiological and biogeochemical investigations of the microbial driven methane dynamic in the Siberian Arctic during glacial-interglacial climate changes
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Kai Mangelsdorf |

2010 - 2013
Investigation of microbial ecosystems and their turnover processes in the sediments of the saline, alkaline Lake Van as part of the ICDP Drilling Project - PaleoVan -
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Jens Kallmeyer |

2010 - 2014
El´gygytgyn impact structure, Siberia: Investigation of a mid-size impact structure in volcanic target.
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Uwe Reimold |

2010 - 2013
Pre-eruptive conditions of the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption: Experimental constraints from phase equilibria and volatile solubility studies and its implication for the Campi Flegrei drilling project
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Harald Behrens |

2010 - 2015
Evolution of magma storage conditions along the track of Yellowstone Hotspot: investigation of the volcanic rocks from Snake River Plain
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Francois Holtz |

2010 - 2016
Peering into the Cradle of Life: multiple sulphur isotopes reveal insights into environmental conditions and early sulphur metabolism some 3.5 Ga ago
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Harald Strauß |

2010 - 2013
Resolving sedimentary sulphur cycling during the Shunga Event (early Paleoproterozoic) with sulphur isotopes
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Harald Strauß |

2010 - 2012
Characterization of the Campi Flegrei fluid regime in time and space to understand the interplay between fluids/gases and volcanic/seismic processes
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Thomas Wiersberg |

2010 - 2015
Spatial and temporal seismic imaging of fluid migration through the crust in the W-Bohemia/Vogtland earthquake swarm area
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Michael Korn |

2010 - 2017
The history of the Campi Flegrei Magma System through time: the key to understand present and future volcanic processes
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wörner |

2010 - 2015
The Chew Bahir Coring Project: Climate-vegetation feedbacks during the African Humid Period in the southern Ethiopian Rift
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Frank Schäbitz |

2009 - 2012
Evolution of highly explosive Nemrut and Süphan volcanoes (NE Anatolia) and Lake Van basin during the past 500.000 years
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Schmincke |

2009 - 2014
Towards timescales of assimilation and magma mixing in the Large Igneous Province of Snake River Plain-Yellowstone, northwest United States
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Donald Bruce Dingwell |

2009 - 2012
The Geothermal Field of the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Helmut Wilhelm |

2009 - 2015
Bündelantrag PASADO-Support 2: Palynological analysis of sediment samples from the composite core of a deep drilling in Laguna Potrok Aike to reconstruct climate dynamics between ca. 16.000 and ca. 55.000 years BP.
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Frank Schäbitz |

2009 - 2014
Bündelantrag PASADO-Support 2: Qualitative environmental and climatic reconstruction for the last glacial interglacial cycles in southern Patagonia - the stable isotope record of the ICDP site Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina (PASADO-Isotope)
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Andreas Lücke |

2009 - 2014
Acquisition and testing of geophysical data from Lake Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Frank Niessen |

2009 - 2011
Development of an ultra-high resolution neutron computed tomography system for the characterisation of drill cores.
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Kai-Uwe Hess |

2009 - 2014
Fault zone damage and chemical reactions at depth in the San Andreas Fault Zone: A study of SAFOD drill core samples
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Christoph Janssen |

2009 - 2015
Carbonation of porous rocks by interaction with magmatic and hydrothermal fluids - a case study on Unzen volcano, Japan
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Harald Behrens |

2009 - 2015
Bündelantrag: "Scientific Collaboration On Past Speciation Conditions in Ohrid (SCOPSCO)": Recent and fossil Ostracodes from Lake Ohrid as indicators of past environments: A coupled ecological and molecular genetic approach with deep-time perspective
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Antje Schwalb |

2009 - 2014
Bündelantrag: "Scientific Collaboration On Past Speciation Conditions in Ohrid (SCOPSCO)": Palaeotemperature reconstruction and project coordination assistance
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Bernd Wagner |

2009 - 2014
Major evolutionary events in ancient Lake Ohrid as indicators for its origin and limnological history
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Christian Albrecht |

2009 - 2015
Lake Van Drilling Project 'PALEOVAN', a long continental record in eastern Turkey: Paleoecological investigations on new cores obtained during the ICDP deep drilling operation in 2010
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Litt |

2009 - 2013
Physical properties, structural features, and climate signals in lake sediments of the ICDP site Lake Van (Turkey) derived from downhole logging
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Thomas Wonik |

2009 - 2013
Sedimentary processes in Lake Van, Turkey - correlation of high resolution seismic records with physical properties data
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Krastel |

2009 - 2012
Molecular and organic carbon isotopic evidence for the evolution of key metabolic pathways during the Archean-Proterozoic transition
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Harald Strauß |

2008 - 2010
Drilling Earth's early surface environments: Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Heubeck |

2008 - 2013
The Archean to Paleoproterozoic transition as recovered in the FAR DEEP cores: LA-ICP-MS U-Pb geochronology of detrital zircons and accompanying provenance analysis of siliciclastic sedimentary rocks
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Bahlburg |

2008 - 2012
Pre-site survey of the marine Campi Flegrei Caldera and the volcanoclastic and sedimentary deposits in the Bay of Naples
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Volkhard Spieß |

2008 - 2013
GOUGE - Hydrothermal deformation experiments on ICDP fault zone materials
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Achim Kopf |

2008 - 2009
Bündelantrag PASADO: "Physical properties, structural features, and climate signals in lake sediments and diatrem breccias of the ICDP site Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina) derived from downhole logging (PASADO-Downhole)"
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Thomas Wonik |

2008 - 2012
High-resolution qualitative environmental and climatic reconstruction for the last glacial interglacial cycles - the sediment record of the ICDP site Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina (PASADO-Core)
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Frank Niessen |

2008 - 2011
The Geothermal Field of the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Helmut Wilhelm |

2008 - 2013
Multiscale seismic imaging of the San-Andreas-Fault system
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Stefan Buske |

2008 - 2013
The electrical conductivity structure between the transitional (near SAFOD) and locked (SE of Cholame) segments of the San Andreas Fault, including the source region of the non-volcanic tremors
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Oliver Ritter |

2008 - 2015
Three-component magnetic logging in the Outokumpu deep drillhole
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hördt |

2008 - 2013
Sedimentary and neotectonic history of Lake Ohrid (Macedonia/Albania): Acquisition and Interpretation of new geophysical and geological data
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Krastel |

2008 - 2011
Bündel-Antrag Ohrid-See: Evolutionary, geological, and environmental history of Lake Ohrid (EGEL)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Bernd Wagner |

2008 - 2013
Rock magnetic properties and their anisotropy from the Outokumpu assemblage in the Outokumpu deep drilling, Finland
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Agnes Kontny |

2008 - 2012
Identification and analysis of vertical convection in ICDP boreholes using temperature and mudresistivity logs
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Frank Börner |

2008 - 2013
Rock magnetic properties and their anisotropy from host rock and impact lithologies of drillings at the Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Agnes Kontny |

2008 - 2012
Evolution of the Methane Cycle in the Siberian Arctic: Insights from Microbiological and Biogeochemical Studies
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Kai Mangelsdorf |

2008 - 2012
Research study for a geoelectrical pre-site survey of the drilling location within the Eger Rift - Investigation of the subsurface electrical conductivity distribution
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Christina Flechsig |

2008 - 2012
Storage conditions and degassing processes of low-K and high-Al tholeiitic island-arc magmas: Experimental constraints and natural observations for Mutnovsky volcano, Kamchatka
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Francois Holtz |

2008 - 2009
Permafrost history in Arctic Siberia - insights from the cryogenic weathering record at Elgygytgyn crater, NE Siberia
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Georg Schwamborn |

2007 - 2009
Seismic survey of the Blue Hole, Belize: a pre-study for ICDP-drilling
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Gischler |

2007 - 2009
Structural and temporal evolution of the Hawaiian plume: Constraints from noble gases in surface samples and the HSDP drill core
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Samuel Niedermann |

2007 - 2010
Analysis of Sediment Areal Distribution in Laguna Potrok Aike (ASADO)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Bernd Zolitschka |

2007 - 2014
The emergence of an aerobic world: isotopic evidence for biogeochemical changes at the Archean-Proterozoic transition
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Harald Strauß |

2007 - 2010
Geochemistry of gases in seismogenic depths of the San Andreas Fault Zone
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Joerg Erzinger |

2007 - 2009
Modern processes and Quaternary climatic and environmental changes in northeastern Siberia, deduced from multidisciplinary analyses of sediments from Lake El'gygytgyn
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Olaf Juschus |

2007 - 2011
Environmental response to climatic and volcanic events in NE Anatolia during the last 20,000 years based on annually laminated sediments from Lake Van
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Litt |

2007 - 2012
Pre-eruptive conditions of the volcanic rocks from Snake River Plain, Yellowstone Hotspot-Constraints from experiments and phase equilibria modelling
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Francois Holtz |

2007 - 2011
Experimental study on vesiculation and formation of groundmass microlites induced by decompression: Constraints on processes related to magma ascent at Unzen volcano
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Francois Holtz |

2007 - 2008
Seismic investigation of sedimentary fill and bedrock geometry of maar lake "Potrok Aike", Southern Patagonia (potential ICDP drill site)
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Catalina Gebhardt |

2007 - 2009
Permafrost history in Arctic Siberia - insights from the cryogenic weathering record at El'gygytgyn Crater, NE Siberia
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Georg Schwamborn |

2007 - 2012
Late Quaternary Climate Reconstruction at Lake El'gygytgyn - Stable oxygen isotopes in biogenic opal of lacustrine diatoms
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Hanno Meyer |

2006 - 2009
Active and Passive Seismic Imaging of the San-Andreas-Fault System
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Stefan Buske |

2006 - 2009
Physical Rock Properties and the Geothermal Field of the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Hans Jürgen Burkhardt |

2006 - 2012
Noble gases in ultra-high-pressure eclogites and peridotites of the CCSD core
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Mario Trieloff |

2006 - 2009
Transmission electron microscopy of deformed eclogite from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling project at Donghai
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Friedrich Müller |

2006 - 2009
An integrated FT/Raman/EMP/XRD-investigation of the fission-track and radiation-damage records in natural titanites from the Kontinentale Tiefbohrung (KTB)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Lothar Ratschbacher |

2006 - 2011
39Ar/40Ar in situ determination on local equilibrium domains: Exhumation history of UHP rock from the Chineese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) drill hole in Donghai, China
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Roland Oberhänsli |

2006 - 2011
Major and trace elements of the saline fluids at the Outokumpu deep drilling site - the role of the hydrolysis of rocks and of fluid inclusions
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Michael Meyer |

2006 - 2014
Mineralogical and geochemical studies of impact melt products from the Chesapeake Bay impact structure
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Alexander Deutsch |

2006 - 2008
Three-dimensional geometry and quantification of the sedimentary fill of Lake El'gygytgyn (Chukotka, NE Siberia)
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Catalina Gebhardt |

2006 - 2010
Magnetofabrics of shear zones and ultrahigh-pressure rocks from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD)
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Jens Carsten Grimmer |

2006 - 2009
The importance of clay mineral reactions on the seismic behavior of the San Andreas Fault: Part 2-Hydration states and timing of mineralization
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Anja Maria Schleicher |

2006 - 2011
The combined Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd mineral-whole rock, and zircon U-Pb, REE and Hf isotope study of ultra high pressure rocks from the CCSD program
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Stefan Weyer |

2006 - 2014
Imaging Induced Seismicity at the KTB
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Dirk Gajewski |

2006 - 2011
Deep Biosphere Quantification in Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure Sediments
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Axel Schippers |

2006 - 2007
Grain size analysis of sediments from deep Lake Malawi
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Frank Sirocko |

2005 - 2010
Paleoclimate and paleoecology of the northern lowland Neotropics, Phase I and II: Limnological survey of modern aquatic environments and paleoclimate reconstructions from fossil species assemblages recovered by the Lago Petén Itzá Scientific Drilling Project (PISDP)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Antje Schwalb |

2005 - 2007
Geoelectrical verification of fluid movements after the KTB Injection Test using surface / vertical electrode systems
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Erik Danckwardt |

2005 - 2009
Lake van, Turkey - a potential new ICDP site: Paleoecological investigations based on lacustrine sediments (short cores from coring campaign 2004)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Litt |

2005 - 2007
The different degassing behaviour of upper mantle-derived fluids in the western Eger rift area - a contribution to find an optimal ICDP location
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Horst Kämpf |

2005 - 2010
The different degassing behaviour of upper mantle-derived fluids in the western Eger rift area - a contribution to find an optimal ICDP location
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Horst Kämpf |

2005 - 2011
Hot-spot related crustal magnetization and magnetic petrology from scientific drillings
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Agnes Kontny |

2005 - 2007
Magnetic mineralogy and rock magnetic properties of impact lithologies of the Bosumtwi crater drilling project, Ghana
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Agnes Kontny |

2005 - 2007
Quantification of gases released during seismic events: long-term, on-site borehole monitoring in deep active faults, South Africa
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Johanna Lippmann-Pipke |

2005 - 2009
Viscous flow of magmas from Unzen volcano, Japan - Implications for magma ascent and emplacement
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Kai-Uwe Hess |

2005 - 2008
Determination of characteristics differentiating impact and maar structures using downhole measurements with the focus on analyzing physical properties, structural features, and climate signals in impact rocks and lake sediments of the Lake Bosumtwi impact crater
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Thomas Wonik |

2005 - 2008
Geochemical and mineralogical studies of impact glasses: drill core samples from the Bosumtwi impact crater and related distal ejecta
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Falko Langenhorst |

2005 - 2010
Mineralogical and geochemical studies of impact melt products from the Chesapeake Bay and the Lake Bosumtwi impact structures (ICDP)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Alexander Deutsch |

2004 - 2006
Beobachtung und Modellierung hydraulisch-induzierter geomechanischer Deformationen in der Umgebung der KTB
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Martin Sauter |

2004 - 2011
Imaging the deep root of the San Andreas Fault zone at Parkfield, CA, with magnetotelluric measurements
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Oliver Ritter |

2004 - 2010
Structural analysis and remote sensing of the East Range, Sudbury Impact Structure, Canada
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Riller |

2004 - 2007
Tectonics and climate in a low-latitude rift: rift-shoulder denudation and sedimentation processes in northern Lake Malawi
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Manfred Strecker |

2004 - 2005
Seismological monitoring of the KTB injection project
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rabbel |

2004 - 2008
Pre-eruptive conditions prior to and after magma mixing at Unzen volcano: constraints from high pressure experimental investigations
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Francois Holtz |

2004 - 2008
Experimental constraints on the magnetic mineralogy of Fe-Ti oxides in basalts from HSDP-2 bore hole
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Dominique Lattard |

2004 - 2008
Microstructural Properties of gas hydrates from the Mallik well
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Werner F. Kuhs |

2004 - 2009
Evolution of the San Andreas Fault System from the lithospheric-scale 3-D thermo-mechanical modelling constrained by geophysical observations
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Stephan Sobolev |

2004 - 2008
Monitoring changes of the reflection response of the SE2 shear zone due to fluid injection into the KTB pilot borehole by an active seismic reflection experiment
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Kurt Bram |

2004 - 2007
Pre-site survey for potential new ICDP sites in southern Patagonia (Argentina)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Bernd Zolitschka |

2004 - 2008
On the geochemistry of crustal fluids and gases of the San Andreas Fault Zone - Real-time mud gas monitoring during ICDP-SAFOD drilling -
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Joerg Erzinger |

2003 - 2007
Monitoring and interpretation of hydrologically induced deformations at the KTB location
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Thomas Jahr |

2003 - 2008
Lake Van, Turkey - Pre-Site Survey for a potential new ICDP site
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Krastel |

2003 - 2005
On the pressure dependence of elastic parameters in porous and fractured rocks of the upper continental crust
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Serge A. Shapiro |

2003 - 2004
Radium Isotopes as Indicators of Pump Test Induced Changes in Fluid Composition; Fluid Age Dating by Means of 81Kr, 39Ar, 37Ar and 85Kr During the Long-Term Pumping Test 2002/2003 at the KTB Pilot Hole
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Lorenz Eichinger |

2003 - 2008
Fission-track-dating at drill cores from the ICDP/CCSD Donghai drill holes, China
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Günther Wagner |

2002 - 2005
Controlled source P- and S-wave tomography at the SAFOD site - direct imaging of petrological and fluid properties
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Trond Ryberg |

2002 - 2008
Isotopenuntersuchungen zur Herkunft und Migration der salinaren Tiefenfluide sowie zur unterirdischen Produktion von Chlor-36, C-14 und Tritium während des Langzeitpumptests 2002/2003 in der KTB-Vorbohrung
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Bent Tauber Hansen |

2002 - 2008
Investigation of thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in deep crystalline rock - experiments and numerical modeling
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Martin Sauter |

2002 - 2008
Investigation of thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in deep crystalline rock - experiments and numerical modeling
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Christopher I. McDermott |

2002 - ongoing
ICDP co-ordination
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Krastel |

2002 - 2005
Chicxulub impact crater: Shock metamorphism, structure, and petrology of impact formations
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Kenkmann |

2002 - 2004
The nature of the Chicxulub projectile and its distribution in the crater nd in the proximal and distal ejecta deposits: Trace element concentrations in impactites, target rocks, and potential meteoritic impactors (asteroids)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Dieter Stöffler |

2002 - 2007
Geothermal and Petrophysical Investigations within the Chicxulub Scientific Drilling Project (CSDP)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Hans Jürgen Burkhardt |

2002 - 2007
Geothermal and Petrophysical Investigations within the Chicxulub Scientific Drilling Project (CSDP)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Helmut Wilhelm |

2002 - 2006
Fluid injection test of the SE2-fault system at the KTB-VB (operation, co-ordination, seismic and hydraulic signals in KTB-HB)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Kümpel |

2002 - 2006
Fluid injection test of the SE2-fault system at the KTB-VB (operation, co-ordination, seismic and hydraulic signals in KTB-HB)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Joerg Erzinger |

2002 - 2005
On the geochemistry of volcanic gases and fluids from the Unzen volcano - ICDP-Unzen-Conduit-Drilling
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Martin Zimmer |

2002 - 2006
Geobiology of saline fluids from the deep biosphere obtained from the KTB pump test
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Joachim Reitner |

2002 - 2005
Lake Van, Turkey - Pre-Site Survey for a potential new ICDP site
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Litt |

2002 - 2008
Seismological monitoring of the KTB injection project
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Günter Asch |

2002 - 2006
Hydrochemical and hydraulic properties of the continental upper crust at the KTB site
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Ingrid Stober |

2002 - 2005
Chemical, isotopic, and mineralogical proxy data for aeolian input into the Lake Baikal system during the last 150 ka
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Roland Oberhänsli |

2002 - 2008
Chemical, isotopic, and mineralogical proxy data for aeolian input into the Lake Baikal system during the last 150 ka
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Ernst Hegner |

2002 - 2005
Chemical, isotopic, and mineralogical proxy data for aeolian input into the Lake Baikal system during the last 150 ka
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Hedi Oberhänsli |

2002 - 2006
Biogeochemistry of deep microbial ecosystems in the Mallik Gas Hydrate Research Well, Mackenzie River Delta, Canada
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Kai Mangelsdorf |

2002 - 2007
Apatite fission-track geothermochronology: Methodical experiments on samples from ICDP drill holes
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Lothar Ratschbacher |

2002 - 2004
Temporal evolution of sulfur content and sulfur isotopes with respect to variation of fluid composition and basalt geochemistry in the lava sequence recovered by the Kahi Puka-2 drilling (Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project)
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Zsolt Berner |

2002 - 2008
Viscous flow of magmas from Unzen volcano, Japan - implications for magma mixing and ascent
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Harald Behrens |

2002 - 2007
Magnetic susceptibility registration in ICDP boreholes - test of a new logging tool
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Helga de Wall |

2002 - 2006
Sediment budget of pliocene and Quaternary unconsolidated deposits of the Rheingletscher area, Swiss midlands and the Upper Rhein Graben
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Matthias Hinderer |

2002 - 2006
Origin of KTB fluids and impact of pressure variations on the fluid chemistry during a long-term pumping test at KTB-VB
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten |

2002 - 2006
Origin of KTB fluids and impact of pressure variations on the fluid chemistry during a long-term pumping test at KTB-VB
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Asaf Pekdeger |

2002 - 2006
Origin of KTB fluids and impact of pressure variations on the fluid chemistry during a long-term pumping test at KTB-VB
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Heiko Woith |

2002 - 2004
Luminescence- and Alpha-Recoil-Track-Dating of Lake Malawi Sediments
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Annette Kadereit |

2001 - 2005
Three-dimensional modelling of fluid movement and transport of fluid components in the SE1 and SE2 fault zones driven by processes on a regional scale. Hydraulic and tracer test interpretation regarding the stress coupling and the probability of the hydraulic induced shear failures and as technical support.
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Winfried Kessels |

2001 - 2005
High-resolution chemostratigraphic evaluation of the environmental consequences of the Chicxulub impact event: An integrated multidisciplinary approach
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Doris Stüben |

2001 - 2003
Petrographische und strukturgeologische Untersuchungen an synorogenetischen Konglomerat- und Brekzienkalken auf Kreta
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Stöckhert |

2001 - 2003
Biostratigraphie und Beckendynamik im Jungtertiär des Halbgrabens von Mesara/Mittelkreta
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Helmut Keupp |

2001 - 2003
Global Permeability Tensor and Seismic Scattering Attenuation at the KTB site
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Serge A. Shapiro |

2001 - 2004
Scale dependence of hydraulic and structural parameters in the vicinity of a mantle plume (Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Ludwig Engelhardt |

2001 - 2005
Distribution of H20, CO2, S and Cl between silicate melts, gas phase and minerals on the example of the Unzen volcano: application for degassing processes
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Francois Holtz |

2001 - 2003
Mantelstruktur unter dem Dabie Shan
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Rainer Kind |

2001 - 2003
Zur Geochemie der Krustenfluide und -gase in Rift- und Fault-Zonen (ICDP-Bohrungen: Golf von Korinth und San Andreas Fault Zone)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Joerg Erzinger |

2001 - 2006
Chicxulub pre- and post impact: Biostratigraphic ages and Environmental changes during the Cretaceous and Paleogene
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stinnesbeck |

2001 - 2003
Untersuchungen zur Durchführung großräumiger hydraulischer Langzeitversuche in den KTB-Bohrungen
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Kümpel |

2001 - 2005
Forschungsbohrungen im nördlichen Oberrheingraben zur Untersuchung der stratigraphischen, paläoklimatischen und neotektonischen Entwicklung des mitteleuropäischen Plio-Pleistozäns
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Litt |

2001 - 2003
Quantifizierung der Abkühlungsgeschichte submariner basaltischer Vitrophyre von Hawaii (USA); ICDP Projekt Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project (HSDP)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Donald Bruce Dingwell |

2001 - 2003
Das explosive Verhalten des Fugendake, Kyushu, Japan: Charakterisierung der eruptiven Produkte und Identifizierung der Eruptionsmechanismen im Vorfeld und in Begleitung des Unzen Scientific Drilling Project (USDP)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Donald Bruce Dingwell |

2001 - 2006
Heat and Fluid Transport in Long Valley Caldera, California: numerical simulations of episodic heat supply by intrusions, seismic activity and phase-separation
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Suzanne Hurter |

2001 - 2004
4D modelling of seismic signatures of fluid flow in crystalline rocks
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Friedemann Wenzel |

2001 - 2007
Thermo-hydraulic conditions in the area of the "Gulf of Corinth Deep Geodynamic Laboratory": Interpretation from well-logging and modeling
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Heinz Hötzl |

2001 - 2005
Thermo-hydraulic conditions in the area of the "Gulf of Corinth Deep Geodynamic Laboratory": Interpretation from well-logging and modeling
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Andrea Förster |

2001 - 2008
Fluid/rock interactions in UHP metamorphic rocks from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling holes
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Jochen Hoefs |

2000 - 2003
Auswertung des bis Endteufe vertieften Multiple-Source VSP in der KTB Hauptbohrung
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rabbel |

2000 - 2002
Modellierung des seismischen Wellenfeldes in der Subduktionszone im östlichen Mittelmeer
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Harjes |

2000 - 2004
Geoelectrical investigation in the surround area of continental boreholes to estimate actual states and processes by combined surface / vertical electrode systems
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Franz Jacobs |

2000 - 2004
Seismological images of the Hellenic subduction zone
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Günter Albert Bock |

2000 - 2005
Seismological images of the Hellenic subduction zone
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Harjes |

2000 - 2004
ESR-Thermochronometry of quartz
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Clemens Woda |

2000 - 2005
Interpretation of the multiple-source VSP measurements in the deepest section of the KTB main borehole
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Günter Borm |

2000 - 2002
Bohrloch-Vektormagnetik an den UNAM-Forschungsbohrungen, Chicxulub, Mexico
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Bernd Milkereit |

2000 - 2003
Der lithologische und strukturelle Aufbau des Mauna Kea Schildvulkans, Hawaii: Auswertung bohrlochgeophysikalischer Messungen aus der 3,5 km tiefen HSDP Bohrung
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Ulrich Harms |

2000 - 2006
Der lithologische und strukturelle Aufbau des Mauna Kea Schildvulkans, Hawaii: Auswertung bohrlochgeophysikalischer Messungen aus der 3,5 km tiefen HSDP Bohrung
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Jürgen Wohlenberg |

2000 - 2003
Petrographische und strukturgeologische Untersuchungen an synorogenetischen Konglomerat- und Brekzienkalken auf Kreta
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Seidel |

2000 - 2005
Magneto-mineralogical beharvoir and magnetic fabric of lava in relation to extrusion conditions during growth of the Hawaiian shield volcano (HSDP-drilling)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Agnes Kontny |

2000 - 2002
Der Übergang von zurückschreitender Subduktion zu beginnender Kontinent-Kollision am Beispiel der spätmiozänen/pliozänen Sedimentgesteine des Heraklion/Messara Beckens auf Kreta
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Uwe Ring |

1999 - 2005
Paläomagnetismus in der Bohrung HSDP (Hilo/Hawaii)
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Erich Steveling |

1999 - 2001
Integriertes geophysikalisches Strukturlogging des ca. 3 km tiefen Bohrlochs im Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project (HSDP), Hawaii, USA
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Ulrich Harms |

1999 - 2004
Seegravimetrische, magnetische und hochauflösende und weitwinkelseismische Messungen im östlichen Mittelmeer entlang des Hellenischen Bogens
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Jannis Makris |

1999 - 2002
DC- Geoelektrische Tiefenerkundung der Long Valley Caldera/USA
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Franz Jacobs |

1999 - 2003
Interaktive Visualisierung von Krustensegmenten
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Joachim Wächter |

1999 - 2005
Mikrostrukturell unterstützte Isotopengeochemische Untersuchungen im Dabie Shan und an der Tiefbohrung Sulu: Datierung der Exhumierung und retrograden Metamorphose
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Roland Oberhänsli |

1999 - 2004
Strukturelle und morphotektonische Entwicklung des Grabens von Messara (Zentralkreta, Griechenland)
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Andreas Peterek |

1999 - 2003
Alpha-recoil-track-dating (ART-D) of dark mica from the Long-Valley-Caldera volcanic suite
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Günther Wagner |

1999 - 2002
Fluid-Einschluß-Studien zur Entwicklung des Hydrothermalsystems in der ICDP-Forschungsbohrung LVEW III (Long Valley Caldera, Californien)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Stöckhert |

1999 - 2001
Sedimentationsdynamik im Neogen-Becken von Platanos/W-Kreta, Griechenland
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Helmut Keupp |

1999 - 2004
Determination of the mobility and saturative distribution of aequous fluids by "low frequency" nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR and hydraulic measurements on microporous rock of the continental crust)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Günter Pusch |

1999 - 2000
Ein Array-Experiment auf Gavdos zur Bestimmung des Backstops im kretischen Akkretionskeil
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Harjes |

1999 - 2003
Pollenanalytische, geochemische und geophysikalische Analysen von Seesedimenten zur Erhellung der Klimaentwicklung und der Paläoökologie im Jungpleistozän
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Christian Hannß |

1999 - 2001
Evolution des Klimas in Zentralasien (Baikalsee) seit Termination II mit Schwerpunkt: Wechselwirkung zwischen sibirischem Hochdruck-System und Monsunsystem
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Jörg Negendank |

1999 - 2004
Magnetostratigraphic investigation of sediment cores from Lake Huguang Maar, Southeast China - Analysis of the remanence carries and reconstruction of the geomagnetic paleosecular variations and the paleoclimate of Southeast Asia
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Jörg Negendank |

1999 - 2004
Teleseismic investigation of the Hawaii Plume
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Rainer Kind |

1999 - 2002
Hydraulische Eigenschaften der supertiefen Kola-Bohrung, Rußland
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Kümpel |

1999 - 2000
Elektrische Methoden als Sensoren für die in-situ-Detektion von Bruchvorgängen in Gesteinen
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Georg Nover |

1999 - 2004
Erkundung der Krustenstruktur von Kreta durch detaillierte Schwere- und Magnetfeldmessungen
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Jannis Makris |

1998 - 2003
Spaltspur-Analyse der postorogenen Entwicklung des Qinling-Dabie-Sulu Orogens (China)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Günther Wagner |

1998 - 2002
Geochemische Charakterisierung von Prä- und Postevent-Sedimenten an der Kreide/Tertiär Grenze in Mexiko und anliegender Gebiete: ihr Verhältnis zum Chicxulub Impakt
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Doris Stüben |

1998 - 2001
Untersuchung von Diskontinuitäten in der Hellenischen Subduktionszone mit der Receiver-Function Methode
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Harjes |

1998 - 2000
Modellierung von Wärme- und Stofftransport in einer aktiven Caldera
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Daniel Pribnow |

1998 - 2000
Erkundung der Krustenstruktur der San-Andreas-Verwerfungszone im Gebiet der San-Gabriel-Mountains und bei Parkfield, CA, USA
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Trond Ryberg |

1998 - 2000
Experimentelle Untersuchungen und Berechnungen als Grundlage für die Entwicklung eines Seesediment-Kernstechgerätes für den Teufeneinsatz bis 200 m
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Ulrich Harms |

1998 - 2000
Erkundung der Krustenstruktur der San-Andreas-Verwerfungszone im Gebiet der San-Gabriel-Mountains und bei Parkfield, California
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Claus Prodehl |

1998 - 2001
Fluid-Geschichte und -Entwicklung von Ultrahochdruck (UHP)-Gesteinen am Beispiel von Dabie Shan, China
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Jochen Hoefs |

1998 - 2003
Reflexions- und Streukoeffizienten der Erdkruste im Bereich der Kontinentalen Tiefbohrung: Thema geändert in: 2D- und 3D-Modellierung von seismischen Reflexionen aus der Erdkruste im Bereich der Kontinentalen Tiefbohrung
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Müller |

1998 - 2001
Quantifizierung der thermischen Vorgeschichte vulkanischer Effusiva durch Entgasungsexperimente
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Klaus Heide |

1998 - 2007
Shock effects in sulfates: nature - experiments - modeling
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Falko Langenhorst |

1998 - 2005
Shock effects in sulfates: nature - experiments - modeling
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Ulrich Hornemann |

1998 - 2002
Fluidwegsamkeiten im Kristallin - Quantifizierung von Geometrie, Anzahl und Vernetzungsgrad von Klüften in verschiedenen Skalenintervallen -
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Ludwig Engelhardt |

1998 - 2000
Morphotektonik der Insel Kreta - Abbild der tektonisch-geodynamischen Entwicklung seit dem Pliozän
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Andreas Peterek |

1998 - 2001
Charakterisierung und Klassifizierung von Impakt-Formationen. Methodenentwicklung am Beispiel des Ries-Kraters und der Puchezh-Katunki-Impaktstruktur (Rußland)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Soffel |

1998 - 2002
Charakterisierung von Kataklase- und Störungszonen durch ihre petrophysikalischen und geochemischen Eigenschaften mit Hilfe neuer statistischer Verfahren
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Soffel |

1998 - 2002
Thermomechanische und strukturgeologische Erkundung entlang der N-S Geotraverse im Dabie Shan und Erfassung petrophysikalischer Grunddaten für tomographische Experimente
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Reiner Klemd |

1998 - 2002
Thermomechanische und strukturgeologische Erkundung entlang der N-S Geotraverse im Dabie Shan und Erfassung petrophysikalischer Grunddaten für tomographische Experimente
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Lothar Ratschbacher |

1998 - 2006
Shock effects in sulfates: nature - experiments - modeling
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Alexander Deutsch |

1998 - 2002
Thermomechanische und strukturgeologische Erkundung entlang der N-S Geotraverse im Dabie Shan und Erfassung petrophysikalischer Grunddaten für tomographische Experimente
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Roland Oberhänsli |

1998 - 2001
Untersuchung von Diskontinuitäten in der Hellenischen Subduktionszone mit der Receiver-Function Methode
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Rainer Kind |

1998 - 2002
Ortsaufgelöste Analysen von Mineral-Schmelz-Systemen und fluiden Phasen in Proben des ICDP mit Hilfe der Synchrotron-Röntgenmikrosonde
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Arndt Knöchel |

1998 - 2005
Isotopen- und Spurenelementuntersuchungen an Basalten des Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project (HSDP)
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Albrecht Hofmann |

1998 - 2008
Geochemistry of noble gases of the Hawaiian hotspot, HSDP (Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project)
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Samuel Niedermann |

1998 - 2001
Geochemische und mineralogisch-petrographische Untersuchung der Kreide-Tertiär-Grenzschicht und der Impaktlithologien des Chicxulub-Kraters, Mexiko
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Herbert Palme |

1998 - 2001
3D-Potentialfeldmodellierungen der Chicxulub-Impaktstruktur zur Einbindung der geplanten Forschungsbohrung(en) in die Potentialfeldanomalien
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Bernd Milkereit |

1998 - 2003
Langzeitbeobachtung von Bohrlochtemperaturen zur Untersuchung von Fluid- und Wärmetransport in der Nähe eines aktiven Mantel-Plumes (Hawaii)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Ernst Huenges |

1998 - 2001
Seismische 3D-Tomographie und Relative Array Analyse zur Untersuchung der Kruste und des oberen Erdmantels unter Westkreta
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Harjes |

1997 - 1999
Elektromagnetische Vertikalgradientensondierung (a) und Bohrlochmagnetik (b) im Rahmen des KTB-Tiefenobservatoriums (Vor- und Hauptbohrung)
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Erich Steveling |

1997 - 2000
Jungkretazische Intrusivgesteine in der ophiolitischen Melange der obersten Deckeneinheit Kretas
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Seidel |

1997 - 1999
Charakterisierung und interdisziplinäre Interpretation petrophysikalischer Daten aus dem KTB
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Soffel |

1997 - 1999
Magnetomineralogische Untersuchungen an natürlichen Pyrrhotinen - Vergleich von in situ-Beobachtungen mit experimentellen Daten
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Helga de Wall |

1997 - 2002
Rheologische und mechanische Charakterisierung der Dom-Laven des Vulkans Unzen in Vorbereitung auf das ICDP-Bohrprojekt Unzen
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Donald Bruce Dingwell |

1997 - 1998
Untersuchung des Spannungsfeldes in Osteuropa durch Messungen in Tiefbohrungen
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Frank Roth |

1997 - 1998
Untersuchung des Spannungsfeldes in Osteuropa durch Messungen in Tiefbohrungen
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Karl Fuchs |

1997 - 2001
Schallemissionsmessungen im Rahmen des ICDP/KTB
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Ugur Yaramanci |

1997 - 1999
Untersuchung zeitlicher Variationen magnetotellurischer Übertragungsfunktionen zur Reduzierung des Einflusses von kohärentem Rauschen
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Markus Eisel |

1997 - 2003
Koordinierung des SPP "ICDP/KTB"
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Harjes |

1997 - 2009
Geochemistry of impact lithologies, Chicxulub, Mexico
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Alexander Deutsch |

1997 - 2002
Chicxulub vor und nach dem Impakt: Zum Alter des Events und zur kretazischen und alttertiären Sedimentfolge Yucatans
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stinnesbeck |

1997 - 2001
Voruntersuchungen an der globalen Lokation "San Andreas Fault System"
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Trond Ryberg |

1997 - 1999
Seismologisches Tiefenobservatorium in den KTB/ICDP-Bohrungen
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Michael Weber |

1997 - 1999
Untersuchung elektronenleitender Mineralisationen im Bohrloch und Umgebung
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Andreas Junge |

1997 - 1999
Vergleichende Untersuchung seismischer Absorption und Geschwindigkeit aus KTB-Bohrloch Daten und relevanten ICDP-Bohrloch Daten
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Peter Hubral |

1997 - 2000
Mineralisation und Fluide im offenen Porenraum bis 9101 m Tiefe, KTB
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Stöckhert |

1997 - 2002
Seismologisches Tiefenlabor in den KTB/ICDP-Bohrungen
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Günter Borm |

1997 - 2003
Geochemische und mineralogisch-petrographische Untersuchung der Kreide-Tertiär-Grenzschicht und der Impaktlithologien des Chicxulub-Kraters, Mexiko
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Philippe Claeys |

1997 - 2002
Messung elastischer und anelastischer Gesteinseigenschaften sowie der Gesteinsdichten an Hochdruckgesteinen der Dabie-Mountains als Funktion des Druckes und der Temperatur und Detailstudien zum Einfluß von Fluiden
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Kern |

1997 - 1999
Retardierte Deformationsprozesse von Gesteinen bei niedriger Temperatur, vorwiegend an KTB-Material
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Hans Berckhemer |

1997 - 2002
Voruntersuchung an der globalen Lokation "San Andreas Fault System"
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Martin Karrenbach |

1997 - 2001
Tephrochronologisches Referenzprofil Lago Grande di Monticchio
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Jörg Negendank |

1997 - 2001
Seismische Untersuchung des Krustenaufbaus von Kreta durch Onshore/Offshore WARP - Messungen (Wide Aperture Reflection Profiling)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Jannis Makris |

1997 - 2001
Verbesserte Auflösung von Krustenleitern durch Kombination von Magnetotellurik und Gleichstrom-Geoelektrik
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Johannes B. Stoll |

1997 - 2001
Kinematik, Deformationsmechanismen, Strain und Paläoseismizität alpidischer Deformationen in der Phyllit-Quarzit-Serie Ost-Kretas unter besonderer Berücksichtigung spröd-viskoser Scherzonen
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Gernold Zulauf |

1997 - 2001
Teufenabhängige Gradienten der Fluideigenschaften in Fluideinschlüssen in KTB-Gesteinen
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Egon Althaus |

1997 - 1999
Imaging der steilstehenden seismischen Reflektoren im Umfeld der KTB-Lokation aus VSP- und Oberflächendaten
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Peter Hubral |

1997 - 1999
Variationen der geogenen Pb- und Sr-Isotopenzusammensetzungen in Seesedimenten als Funktion des Alters gemessen an Bohrkernen von Seen
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Udo Haack |

1997 - 2002
Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Wechselwirkungen zwischen C-H-O-S Fluiden und Magmen
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Francois Holtz |

1997 - 2000
Jungkretazische Intrusivgesteine in der ophiolitischen Melange der obersten Deckeneinheit Kretas
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Heinz-Günter Stosch |

1997 - 2003
Integrierte Datenvergleiche zur Quantifizierung der Aktivität von tektonischen Störungssystemen am Golf von Korinth (Griechenland)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Christof Lempp |

1997 - 2000
3D-Modellierung der Plattenkalk-Gruppe Westkretas
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Volker Jacobshagen |

1997 - 2000
Sedimentationsdynamik im Neogen-Becken von Kastelli Kissamou/W-Kreta, Griechenland
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Helmut Keupp |

1997 - 2001
Rekonstruktion der klimatischen Veränderungen in Zentralasien während der letzten 2,5 bis 3 Millionen Jahre am Beispiel des Baikalsees
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten |

1996 - 1997
Tektonometamorphe Entwicklung der Plattenkalk-Gruppe auf Kreta
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Volker Jacobshagen |

1996 - 1999
Präneogene tektonische Entwicklung Kretas
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Stöckhert |

1996 - 1999
Abkühlungs- und Exhumierungsgeschichte der präneogenen Decken auf Kreta
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Stöckhert |

1996 - 1999
Morphotektonik der Insel Kreta - Abbild der tektonisch-geodynamischen Entwicklung seit dem Pliozän
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Bernt Schröder |

1996 - 1999
Tomographie Westkreta - Ein Zusatzexperiment zur Erkundung von Struktur und Dynamik der Kretischen Subduktionszone durch passive seismische Experimente
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Harjes |

1996 - 1998
Modellierung und Bewertung des konvektiven Wärmeflusses zur KTB-Lokation über die Quantifizierung des Gasflusses im Umfeld der KTB sowie seine chemische und isotopische Charakterisierung
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Stephan Weise |

1996 - 1997
Abbildung fossiler tektonischer Scherzonen im Bereich der KTB mit Hilfe elektromagnetischer Tiefensondierung
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Volker Haak |

1996 - 1998
Untersuchung graphitisierter Störungszonen im KTB-Umfeld durch IP-Messungen
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Andreas Junge |

1996 - 2000
Natürliche und induzierte Porendruckschwankungen in 4 und 9 km Tiefe
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Ernst Huenges |

1996 - 2000
Erstellung einer Musterkurve der geomagnetischen Paläosäkularvariation und Analyse klimainduzierter Variationen gesteinsmagnetischer Parameter für die letzten ca. 100.000 Jahre anhand von Sedimentkernen aus dem Lago Grande di Monticchio (Süditalien) und dem Lago di Mezzano (Mittelitalien)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Jörg Negendank |

1996 - 2001
Fluidhaushalt und Stofftransportprozesse im Akkretionskomplex von Kreta (Griechenland)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Doris Stüben |

1996 - 1998
Jungkretazische Intrusivgesteine in der ophiolitischen Melange der obersten Deckeneinheit Kretas
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Martin Okrusch |

1996 - 1999
Fluidinduzierte Seismizität an der KTB als Funktion nichtlinearer Fluid-Gesteins-Wechselwirkungen
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Horst J. Neugebauer |

1996 - 2000
Chemismus und Isotopie von Fluiden und in ihnen gelöster Stoffe unter extremen Druck- und Temperaturbedingungen
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Peter Harting |

1996 - 1998
Beziehung der Permeabilität von Kluftsystemen zum regionalen Spannungsfeld
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Karl Fuchs |

1996 - 2000
Petrologische und strukturelle Charakterisierung der tiefsten Anteile des kretischen Deckenstapels (Liegendes der "autochthonen" Plattenkalk-Einheit)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Seidel |

1996 - 2004
Paläoklimatisch-sedimentologische Untersuchungen an Forschungsbohrungen im Alpenvorland (Rheingletschergebiet/Oberrheingraben)
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Erhard Bibus |

1996 - 2009
Operation of the KTB logging equipment for borehole measurements and experiments in the KTB-Deep Crustal Lab (KTB-Tiefenlabor, KTB-TL) and logging operations in international ICDP projects
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Jörn Lauterjung |

1996 - 2000
KTB auf dem Weg zum ICDP - Integration des KTB-Informationssystems in eine globale geowissenschaftliche Informationsinfrastruktur
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Joachim Wächter |

1996 - 2000
Natürliche und induzierte Porendruckschwankungen in 4 und 9 km Tiefe
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Kümpel |

1996 - 1998
Modellierung und Bewertung des konvektiven Wärmeflusses zur KTB-Lokation über die Quantifizierung des Gasflusses im Umfeld der KTB sowie seine chemische und isotopische Charakterisierung
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Gerhard Strauch |

1996 - 1998
Modellierung und Bewertung des konvektiven Wärmeflusses zur KTB-Lokation über die Quantifizierung des Gasflusses im Umfeld der KTB sowie seine chemische und isotopische Charakterisierung
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Karin Bräuer |

1996 - 1998
Elektrische Laboruntersuchungen an Bohrkernproben aus der KTB
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Georg Nover |

1996 - 2001
Standardisierung von bohrlochgeophysikalischen Antwortsignalen für Gesteine kontinentaler und ozeanischer Kruste
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Jürgen Wohlenberg |

1996 - 2000
Kombinierte Auswertung und Interpretation vorhandener geoelektrischer Widerstandsmessungen im Bereich der KTB zur Schaffung eines integrierten Leitfähigkeitsmodells und als Mittel für pre-site-survey von geplanten Tiefbohrlokationen im krustalen Bereich (ICDP)
Main Applicant: |
Dr. Erik Danckwardt |

1996 - 1998
KTB/ICDP-Schwerpunktkoordinierung und -Büro
Main Applicant: |
Prof. Dr. Rolf Emmermann |