[KTB] KTB - Deep Vertical Seismic Profiling at the Continental Deep Drilling Site, Oberpfalz, Germany.
Climate & Ecosystems
Year of Application: 1999
Expedition ID: 5007
Current Status: completed
Master Data
Prof. Dr. Serge A. Shapiro (PI)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rabbel (PI)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bach (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Frank Scherbaum (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Martin Sauter (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Volker Haak (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Hans Berckhemer (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Christof Lempp (Scientific Participant)
Dr. Karin Bräuer (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Franz Jacobs (Scientific Participant)
Dr. Gabriela Schumann (Scientific Participant)
Dr. Gerhard Strauch (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Soffel (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Peter Harting (Scientific Participant)
Dr. Alexander Krohe (Scientific Participant)
Dr. Günter Asch (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Lothar Ratschbacher (Scientific Participant)
Dr. Erich Steveling (Scientific Participant)
Dr. Axel Vollbrecht (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Peter Hubral (Scientific Participant)
Dr. Markus Eisel (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Jentzsch (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Christoph Clauser (Scientific Participant)
Manfred Stiller (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Stöckhert (Scientific Participant)
Dr. Erik Danckwardt (Scientific Participant)
Dr. Horst Kämpf (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Helga de Wall (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Horst J. Neugebauer (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Helmut Wilhelm (Scientific Participant)
Dr. Heiko Woith (Scientific Participant)
Dr. Andreas Reimer (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Egon Althaus (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Martin Okrusch (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Müller (Scientific Participant)
Dr. Johannes Glodny (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Asaf Pekdeger (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Udo Haack (Scientific Participant)
Latitude: 49°48'56''N
Regionen & Städte:
Longitude: 12°07'13''E
Related DFG-Projects
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[Stöckhert] Mineralisation und Fluide im offenen Porenraum bis 9101 m Tiefe, KTB (1997 - 2000)
[Gajewski] Imaging Induced Seismicity at the KTB (2006 - 2014)
[Kümpel] Natürliche und induzierte Porendruckschwankungen in 4 und 9 km Tiefe (1996 - 2000)
[Yaramanci] Schallemissionsmessungen im Rahmen des ICDP/KTB (1997 - 2001)
[Junge] Untersuchung graphitisierter Störungszonen im KTB-Umfeld durch IP-Messungen (1996 - 1998)
[Fuchs] Untersuchung des Spannungsfeldes in Osteuropa durch Messungen in Tiefbohrungen (1997 - 1998)
[Roth] Untersuchung des Spannungsfeldes in Osteuropa durch Messungen in Tiefbohrungen (1997 - 1998)
[Borm] Seismologisches Tiefenlabor in den KTB/ICDP-Bohrungen (1997 - 2002)
[Woda] ESR-Thermochronometry of quartz (2000 - 2004)
[Huenges] Natürliche und induzierte Porendruckschwankungen in 4 und 9 km Tiefe (1996 - 2000)
The drilling activities at the KTB location in the Oberpfalz, Bavaria, started on 22 September 1987. In 1989 the KTB pilot borehole (Vorbohrung, VB) reached a depth of 4000.1 m. The KTB main borehole (Hauptbohrung, HB) was spudded on 6 October 1990 and reached its final depth of 9101 m on 10 October 1994. The essential results of the whole project were summarized by Emmermann (1995).
The KTB drill site is located in the northern part of the Zone Erbendorf-Vohenstrauss (ZEV), approximately 3 km NW of the town of Windischeschenbach, Oberpfalz. A detailed description of the ZEV and the neighbouring units is given by Stettner (1992). The ZEV is a small NW- to SE- to NNW- to SSE-trending MP metamorphic unit. It is composed of alternating paragneisses and different types of metabasic rocks, probably of pre- or early-Ordovician protolith age (Gneiss-metabasite complex or Neustadt group).
In the north the ZEV is in contact with the metabasic and meta-ultramafic rocks of the Erbendorf greenschist zone and the metasediments and metavolcanics of the Wetzldorf unit. The latter units are separated from the dominantly low-grade metamorphic Cambrian to Lower Carboniferous rocks in the southern part of the Saxothuringian zone (Kossmat 1927) by the Erbendorf line. In the east and south, the ZEV borders on high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Moldanubicum. The imbricated boundary zone is characterized by the occurrence of relics of the Wetzldorf unit. The contacts between the above units are partially obscured by the dioritic to granitic intrusions of the Carboniferous Oberpfalz pluton (Steinwald, Falkenberg and Leuchtenberg massifs). In the SW, the basement units are thrust to the SW upon Permocarboniferous and Mesozoic sediments of the South German block. The most important thrust movements occurred along the Franconian lineament, a NW- to SE-trending crustal- scale fault system that was repeatedly active during late- and post-Variscan times. Lithologically, the north part of the ZEV can be subdivided into an upper gneiss-rich unit (Püllersreuth subgroup) in the SW and a lower unit with abundant metabasites (Windischeschenbach subgroup) in the NE (Hirschmann 1994). Both units generally dip SW.
The KTB drill site is situated in the area of the Windischeschenbach unit.
Due to technical problems during the drilling operations, the profile of the VB is composed of three sections:
- hole 1 (VB1, 0-1998.3 m),
- hole 2 (VB1a, 1709.0-3893.0 m) and
- hole 3 (VB1b, 3766.9-4000.1 m).
The VB was nearly continuously cored with the exception of four phases of directional drilling and/or sidetracking (three small intervals of the upper sections VB1 and VB1a and the whole section of VB1b). The geological investigations are mainly based on core samples (core recovery 3276 m) and subordinately cuttings and rock flour. Borehole measurements including logs for the structural investigation [Formation Micro- Scanner (FMS); BoreHole TeleViewer (BHTV)] provide continuous information of the whole profile.
Geological data recovered in the field laboratory are summarized in Röhr et al. (1990).
Borehole measurements cover the whole profile.
Emmermann R (1995) Abenteuer Tiefbohrung. Geowissenschaften, 13 (4) : 114-128
Hirschmann G (1994) The lithological units of the northern ZEV. KTB Rep 94-3 :63-74
Kossmat F (1927) Gliederung des varistischen Gebirgsbaues. Abh Sächs Geol Landesamt 1 : 1-39
Röhr C, Kohl J, Hacker W, Keyssner S, Müller H, Sigmund J, Stroh A, Zulauf G (1990) German Continental Deep Drilling Program (KTB): geological survey of the pilot hole "KTB Oberpfalz VB". KTB Rep 90-8 :B1-B55
Stettner G (1992) Geologie im Umfeld der Kontinentalen Tiefbohrung Oberpfalz. Bayerisches Geologisches Landesamt, München
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Shapiro, SA, Kummerow, J, Dinske, C, Asch, G, Rothert, E, Erzinger, J, Kümpel, H‐J, Kind, R (2006). "Fluid induced seismicity guided by a continental fault: Injection experiment of 2004/2005 at the german deep drilling site (KTB)" Geophysical Research Letters 33 pL01309
Graesle, W, Kessels, W, Kümpel, H.-J., Li, X (2006). "Hydraulic observations from a 1 year fluid production test in the 4000 m deep KTB pilot borehole" Geofluids 6 p8-23
McDermott, C. I., Lodemann, M., Ghergut, I., Tenzer, H., Sauter, M., Kolditz, O. (2006). "Investigation of coupled hydraulic–geomechanical processes at the KTB site: pressure-dependent characteristics of a long-term pump test and elastic interpretation using a geomechanical facies model" Geofluids 6 p67-81
Erzinger, J., Wiersberg, T., Zimmer, M. (2006). "Real-time mud gas logging and sampling during drilling" Geofluids 6 p225-233
Ghergut, I, McDermott, CI, Herfort, M, Sauter, M, Kolditz, O (2006). "Reducing ambiguity in fractured-porous media characterization using single-well tracer tests" IAHS Publ 304 p17-24
Kaselow, Axel, Becker, Katharina, Shapiro, Serge A. (2006). "Stress Sensitivity of Seismic and Electric Rock Properties of the Upper Continental Crust at the KTB" pure and applied geophysics 163 p1021-1029
Kümpel, H-J, Erzinger, Jörg, Shapiro, Serge A (2006). "Two massive hydraulic tests completed in deep KTB pilot hole" Scientific Drilling 3 p40-42
Möller, P., Woith, H., Dulski, P., Lüders, V., Erzinger, J., Kämpf, H., Pekdeger, A., Hansen, B., Lodemann, M., Banks, D. (2005). "Main and trace elements in KTB-VB fluid: composition and hints to its origin" Geofluids 5 p28-41
Lippmann, J., Erzinger, J., Zimmer, M., Schloemer, S., Eichinger, L., Faber, E. (2005). "On the geochemistry of gases and noble gas isotopes (including 222Rn) in deep crustal fluids: the 4000 m KTB-pilot hole fluid production test 2002–03" Geofluids 5 p52-66
Shapiro, Serge A, Kaselow, Axel (2005). "Porosity and elastic anisotropy of rocks under tectonic stress and pore-pressure changes" Geophysics 70 (5) pN27-N38
Stober, I., Bucher, K. (2005). "The upper continental crust, an aquifer and its fluid: hydaulic and chemical data from 4 km depth in fractured crystalline basement rocks at the KTB test site" Geofluids 5 p8-19
Bigalke, Jürgen, Junge, Andreas, Zulauf, Gernold (2004). "Electronically conducting brittle-ductile shear zones in the crystalline basement of Rittsteig (Bohemian Massif, Germany): Evidence from self potential and hole-to-surface electrical measurements" Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) 93 p44-51
Kaselow, A., Shapiro, Serge A. (2004). "Stress sensitivity of elastic moduli and electrical resistivity in porous rocks" Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 1 p1-11
Zillmer, M., Müller, G., Stiller, M. (2002). "Seismic reflections from the crystalline crust below the Continental Deep Drilling Site KTB: Modeling and inference on reflector properties" Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 107 pESE 2-1-ESE 2-15
de Wall, Helga, Worm, Horst-Ulrich (2001). "Recognition of drilling-induced remanent magnetization by Q-factor analysis: a case study from the KTB-drillholes" Journal of Applied Geophysics 46 p55-64
Heikamp, H, Nover, Georg (2001). "The electrical signature of rock samples exposed to hydrostatic and triaxial pressures" Annals of Geophysics 44 (2) p287-293
Anastasiadis, Cimon, Triantis, Dimos, Vallianatos, Filippos, Nover, Georg, Nomicos, Constantine (2001). "The spectrum of thermally stimulated currents in rock samples from KTB drilling: preliminary results" Annals of Geophysics 44 p355-359
Rasolofosaon, P. N. J., Rabbel, W., Siegesmund, S., Vollbrecht, A. (2000). "Characterization of crack distribution: fabric analysis versus ultrasonic inversion" Geophysical Journal International 141 p413-424
Krohe, A., Wawrzenitz, N. (2000). "Domainal variations of U–Pb monazite ages and Rb–Sr whole-rock dates in polymetamorphic paragneisses (KTB Drill Core, Germany): influence of strain and deformation mechanisms on isotope systems" Journal of Metamorphic Geology 18 p271-291
Storz, H., Storz, W., Jacobs, F. (2000). "Electrical resistivity tomography to investigate geological structures of the earth's upper crust" Geophysical Prospecting 48 p455-471
Bokelmann, Götz H. R., Harjes, Hans-Peter (2000). "Evidence for temporal variation of seismic velocity within the upper continental crust" Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105 (B10) p23879-23894
Zimmermann, Günter, Körner, Alexander, Burkhardt, Hans (2000). "Hydraulic pathways in the crystalline rock of the KTB" Geophysical Journal International 142 (1) p4-14
Kontny, Agnes, de Wall, Helga, Sharp, Thomas G, Pósfai, Mihály (2000). "Mineralogy and magnetic behavior of pyrrhotite from a 260 C section at the KTB drilling site, Germany" American Mineralogist 85 (10) p1416-1427
Pósfai, Mihály, Sharp, Thomas G, Kontny, Agnes (2000). "Pyrrhotite varieties from the 9.1 km deep borehole of the KTB project" American Mineralogist 85 (10) p1406-1415
Smithson, S.B., Wenzel, F., Ganchin, Y.V., Morozov, I.B. (2000). "Seismic results at Kola and KTB deep scienti®c boreholes: velocities, re¯ections, ¯uids, and crustal composition" Tectonophysics 329 p301-317
Rauen, Armin, Soffel, Heinrich C., Winter, Helmuth (2000). "Statistical analysis and origin of the magnetic susceptibility of drill cuttings from the 9.1-km-deep KTB drill hole" Geophysical Journal International 142 (1) p83-94
Wilhelm, Helmut (2000). "Undisturbed temperature in the main drillhole of the German Continental Deep Drilling Program predicted from temperature logs recorded after shut-in" Geothermics 29 p393-406
Buske, S. (1999). "3-D Prestack Kirchhoff Migration of the ISO89-3D Data Set" pure and applied geophysics 156 p157-171
Bach, Wolfgang, Naumann, Dirk, Erzinger, Jörg (1999). "A helium, argon, and nitrogen record of the upper continental crust (KTB drill holes, Oberpfalz, Germany): implications for crustal degassing" Chemical Geology 160 (1-2) p81-101
Rietbrock, Andreas, Scherbaum, Frank (1999). "Crustal scattering at the KTB from a combined microearthquake and receiver analysis" Geophysical Journal International 136 p57-67
Vollbrecht, Axel, Stipp, Michael, Olesen, Niels Ø (1999). "Crystallographic orientation of microcracks in quartz and inferred deformation processes: a study on gneisses from the German Continental Deep Drilling Project (KTB)" Tectonophysics 303 p279-297
Zulauf, G., Palm, S., Petschick, R., Spies, O. (1999). "Element mobility and volumetric strain in brittle and brittle–viscous shear zones of the superdeep well KTB (Germany)" Chemical Geology 156 (1-4) p135-149
Leonardi, Sabrina, Kümpel, Hans-Joachim (1999). "Fractal variability in superdeep borehole — implications for the signature of crustal heterogeneities" Tectonophysics 301 (1-2) p173-181
Zimmermann, G., Huenges, E. (1999). "Rock Permeability and Fluid Pressure At the Ktb. Implications from Laboratory-And Drill Hole-Measurements" Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Rev. IFP 54 p689-694
Kümpel, H.J., Grecksch, G., Lehmann, K., Rebscher, D., Schulze, K.C. (1999). "Studies of in situ Pore Pressure Fluctuations at Various Scales" Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Rev. IFP 54 (6) p679-688
Müller, J., Janik, M., Harjes, H.-P. (1999). "The Use of Wave-field Directivity for Velocity Estimation: Moving Source Profiling (MSP) Experiments at KTB" pure and applied geophysics 156 p303-318
Ritter, Oliver, Haak, Volker, Rath, Volker, Stein, Eckardt, Stiller, Manfred (1999). "Very high electrical conductivity beneath the Münchberg Gneiss area in Southern Germany: implications for horizontal transport along shear planes" Geophysical Journal International 139 (1) p161-170
Harjes, H. P., Janik, M., Müller, J., Bliznetsov, M. (1998). "Imaging of crustal structures from vertical array measurements" Tectonophysics 286 p185-192
Nover, G., Heikamp, S., Meurer, H.J., Freund, D. (1998). "In-Situ Electrical Conductivity and Permeability of Mid-Crustal Rocks from the Ktb Drilling: Consequences for High Conductive Layers in the Earth Crust" Surveys in Geophysics 19 p73-85
Lehmann, Holger, Wang, Kelin, Clauser, Christoph (1998). "Parameter identification and uncertainty analysis for heat transfer at the KTB drill site using a 2-D inverse method" Tectonophysics 291 p179-194
Coyle, D. A., Wagner, G. A. (1998). "Positioning the titanite fission-track partial annealing zone" Chemical Geology 149 p117-125
Millich, E., Neugebauer, H. J., Huenges, E., Nover, G. (1998). "Pressure dependence of permeability and Earth tide induced fluid flow" Geophysical Research Letters 25 (6) p 809-812
Jost, ML, Büßelberg, T, Jost, Ö, Harjes, H-P (1998). "Source parameters of injection-induced microearthquakes at 9 km depth at the KTB deep drilling site, Germany" Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 88 (3) p815-832
Troschke, B., Burkhardt, H. (1998). "Thermal conductivity models fro two-phase systems" Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 23 p351-355
Seipold, U., Huenges, E. (1998). "Thermal properties of gneisses and amphibolites — high pressure and high temperature investigations of KTB-rock samples" Tectonophysics 291 p173-178
Leonardi, Sabrina, Kümpel, Hans-Joachim (1998). "Variability of geophysical log data and the signature of crustal heterogeneities at the KTB" Geophysical Journal International 135 p964-974
Borm, G., Engeser, B., Hoffers, B., Kutter, H. K., Lempp, C. (1997). "Borehole instabilities in the KTB main borehole" Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 (B8) p18507-18517
Behrmann, J. H., Tanner, D. C. (1997). "Carboniferous tectonics of the Variscan basement collage in eastern Bavaria and western Bohemia" Geologische Rundschau 86 p S15-S27
Hecht, L., Vigneresse, J. L., Morteani, G. (1997). "Constraints on the origin of zonation of the granite complexes in the Fichtelgebirge (Germany and Czech Republic): evidence from a gravity and geochemical study" Geologische Rundschau 86 p S93-S109
O'Brien, Patrick J., Duyster, Johannes, Grauert, Borwin, Schreyer, Werner, Stöckhert, Bernhard, Weber, Klaus (1997). "Crustal evolution of the KTB drill site: From oldest relics to the Late Hercynian granites" Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 (B8) p 18203-18220
Zulauf, G., Maier, M., Stöckhert, B. (1997). "Depth of intrusion and thermal modeling of the Falkenberg granite (Oberpfalz, Germany)" Geologische Rundschau 86 p S87-S92
Schödlbauer, S., Hecht, L., Höhndorf, A., Morteani, G. (1997). "Enclaves in the S-type granites of the Kösseine massif (Fichtelgebirge, Germany): implications for the origin of granites" Geologische Rundschau 86 p S125-S140
Shapiro, Sergei A., Huenges, Ernst, Borm, Günter (1997). "Estimating the crust permeability from fluid-injection-induced seismic emission at the KTB site" Geophysical Journal International 131 pF15-F18
Irber, W., Förster, H.-J., Hecht, L., Möller, P., Morteani, G. (1997). "Experimental, geochemical, mineralogical and O-isotope constraints on the late-magmatic history of the Fichtelgebirge granites (Germany)" Geologische Rundschau 86 p S110-S124
Huenges, Ernst (1997). "Factors controlling the variances of seismic velocity, density, thermal conductivity and heat production of cores from the KTB Pilot Hole" Geophysical Research Letters 24 p341-344
Zulauf, G, Duyster, Johannes (1997). "Faults and veins in the superdeep well KTB: constraints on the amount of Alpine intra-plate thrusting and stacking of Variscan basement (Bohemian Massif, Germany)" Geologische Rundschau 86 p S28-S33
Hejl, E., Coyle, D., Lal, Nand, van den Haute, P. , Wagner, G. A. (1997). "Fission-track dating of the western border of the Bohemian massif: thermochronology and tectonic implications" Geologische Rundschau 86 p 210-219
Kontny, A., Friedrich, G., Behr, H. J., de Wall, H., Horn, E. E., Möller, P., Zulauf, G. (1997). "Formation of ore minerals in metamorphic rocks of the German continental deep drilling site (KTB)" Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 (B8) p 18323-18336
Harms, U., Cameron, K. L., Simon, K., Brätz, H. (1997). "Geochemistry and petrogenesis of metabasites from the KTB ultradeep borehole, Germany" Geologische Rundschau 86 pS155-S166
Siebel, W., Trzebski, R., Stettner, G., Hecht, L., Casten, U., Höhndorf, A., Müller, P. (1997). "Granitoid magmatism of the NW Bohemian massif revealed: gravity data, composition, age relations and phase concept" Geologische Rundschau 86 p S45-S63
Casten, U., Götze, H.-J., Plaumann, S., Soffel, H. C. (1997). "Gravity anomalies in the KTB area and their structural interpretation with special regard to the granites of the northern Oberpfalz (Germany)" Geologische Rundschau 86 p S79-S86
Grawinkel, Andrea, Stöckhert, Bernhard (1997). "Hydrostatic pore fluid pressure to 9 km depth - Fluid inclusion evidence from the KTB deep drill hole" Geophysical Research Letters 24 p3273-3276
Zoback, Mark D., Harjes, Hans-Peter (1997). "Injection-induced earthquakes and crustal stress at 9 km depth at the KTB deep drilling site, Germany" Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 p18477-18491
Haak, Volker, Jones, Alan G. (1997). "Introduction to Special Section: The KTB Deep Drill Hole" Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 (B8) p 18175-18177
Haack, V,, Simpson, F,, Bahr, K, Bigalke, J, Eisel, M, Harms, U., Hirschmann, G., Huenges, E, Jödicke, H, Kontny, A, Kück, J, Nover, G., Rauen, A., Stoll, J. B., Walther, J., Winter, H., Zulauf, G (1997). "KTB and the electrical conductivity of the crust" Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 (B8) p 18289-18305
Harjes, H. P., Bram, K., Dürbaum, H. J., Gebrande, H., Hirschmann, G., Janik, M., Klöckner, M., Lüschen, E., Rabbel, W., Simon, M., Thomas, R., Tormann, J., Wenzel, F. (1997). "Origin and nature of crystal reflections: Results from integrated seismic measurements at the KTB superdeep drilling site" Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 p18267-18288
Möller, P., Weise, S. M., Althaus, E., Bach, W., Behr, H. J., Borchardt, R., Bräuer, K., Drescher, J., Erzinger, J., Faber, E., Hansen, B. T., Horn, E. E., Huenges, E., Kämpf, H., Kessels, W., Kirsten, T., Landwehr, D., Lodemann, M., Machon, L., Pekdeger, A., Pielow, H. U., Reutel, C., Simon, K., Walther, J., Weinlich, F. H., Zimmer, M. (1997). "Paleofluids and Recent fluids in the upper continental crust: Results from the German Continental Deep Drilling Program (KTB)" Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 (B8) p18233-18254
Berckhemer, H., Rauen, A., Winter, H., Kern, H., Kontny, A., Lienert, M., Nover, G., Pohl, J., Popp, T., Schult, A., Zinke, J., Soffel, H. C. (1997). "Petrophysical properties of the 9-km-deep crustal section at KTB" Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 (B8) p18337-18361
Schmädicke, E., Okrusch, M. (1997). "Phase relations of calcic amphibole–orthoamphibole–chlorite- talc assemblages, with applications to ultramafic rocks from the KTB pilot hole, Bavaria" Geologische Rundschau 86 p S212-S221
Wagner, G. A., Coyle, D. A., Duyster, J., Henjes-Kunst, F., Peterek, A., Schröder, B., Stöckhert, B., Wemmer, K., Zulauf, G., Ahrendt, H., Bischoff, R., Hejl, E., Jacobs, J., Menzel, D., Lal, Nand, Van den Haute, P., Vercoutere, C., Welzel, B. (1997). "Post-Variscan thermal and tectonic evolution of the KTB site and its surroundings" Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 (B8) p18221-18232
Zeh, A., Okrusch, M., Brätz, H. (1997). "Post-peak re-equilibration in a mafic gneiss from the KTB main hole: implications for the metamorphic evolution" Geologische Rundschau 86 p S222-S234
Dresen, Georg, Duyster, Johannes, Stöckhert, Bernhard, Wirth, Richard, Zulauf, Gernold (1997). "Quartz dislocation microstructure between 7000 m and 9100 m depth from the Continental Deep Drilling Program KTB" Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 (B8) p18443-18452
Ahrendt, H., Glodny, J., Henjes-Kunst, F., Höhndorf, A., Kreuzer, H., Küstner, W., Müller-Sigmund, H., Schüssler, U., Seidel, E., Wemmer, K. (1997). "Rb–Sr and K–Ar mineral data of the KTB and the surrounding area and their bearing on the tectonothermal evolution of the metamorphic basement rocks" Geologische Rundschau 86 pS251-S257
Huenges, Ernst, Lauterjung, Jörn, Bücker, Christian, Lippmann, Erich, Kern, Hartmut (1997). "Seismic velocity, density, thermal conductivity and heat production of cores from the KTB Pilot Hole" Geophysical Research Letters 24 (3) p345-348
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