[HOTSPOT] HOTSPOT - The Snake River Scientific Drilling Project - Tracking the Yellowstone Plume Through Space and Time

Climate & Ecosystems

Year of Application: 2010

Expedition ID: 5036

Current Status: completed

climate change
continental evolution
global environment
hot spots
mantle plumes
snake river
thermal regimes
volcanic systems
Master Data

Prof. Dr. Donald Bruce Dingwell (First-PI)
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Koepke (First-PI)
Dr. Kai-Uwe Hess (First-PI)

Prof. Dr. Francois Holtz (PI)
Prof. Dr. Agnes Kontny (PI)
Dr. Alexander Prokopenko (PI)
Prof. Dr. Harald Behrens (PI)
Dr. Konstantinos Panagiotopoulos (PI)
Prof. Dr. Joerg Erzinger (PI)
Dr. Oliver Namur (PI)
Dr. Renat Almeev (PI)

Jochem Kück (OSG)
Ronald Conze (OSG)
Dr. Ulrich Harms (OSG)
Dr. Sebastian Wiesmaier (Scientific Participant)
Prof. Dr. Christina Maria Pinheiro de Campos (Scientific Participant)
Dr. Daniele Morgavi (Scientific Participant)
Frederik Allstädt (Scientific Participant)
Dr. Sören Wilke (Scientific Participant)
Marius Stranghörner (Scientific Participant)
Dr. Stefan Dultz (Scientific Participant)
Dominik Mock (Scientific Participant)
Dr. Bernard Charlier (Scientific Participant)
Dr. Meng Wang (Scientific Participant)

Geologisches Alter: pliocene to pleistocene

Latitude: 42°56'18''N

North America

Regionen & Städte:

Snake River

Longitude: 115°21'18''W

United States


hard rock

Drilling Data

Drilling Depth: 6350.0
Core Yield: 5003.4
Core Length: 5366.4
Amount of Drill Holes: 5
Amount of Drill Locations: 3

Core Length-Drill Depth-Ratio: 78.79
Core Yield-Core Length-Ratio: 93.24

Related DFG-Projects

[Appel] Exploring the potential of a new North American Plio-Pleistocene paleoclimate record from the yet unopened drill core from paleo-Lake Idaho (2017 - 2019)

[Almeev] Experimental study on the production of rhyolites from basaltic sources in the bimodal Snake River Plain-Yellowstone province (2017 - 2018)

[Almeev] Experimental study on the production of rhyolites from basaltic sources in the bimodal Snake River Plain-Yellowstone province (2014 - 2018)

[Holtz] Determination of the depth of rhyolitic magma chambers in the Snake River Plain province, USA,: an experimental calibration (2013 - 2016)

[Dingwell] Towards timescales of assimilation and magma mixing in the Large Igneous Province of Snake River Plain-Yellowstone, northwest United States (2009 - 2014)

[Pinheiro de Campos] Assimilation and mixing of crystal-bearing magmas in the Snake River Plain, NW United States: rheological timescales for magmatism of large silicic provinces (2012 - 2013)

[Holtz] Evolution of magma storage conditions along the track of Yellowstone Hotspot: investigation of the volcanic rocks from Snake River Plain (2010 - 2015)

[Holtz] Pre-eruptive conditions of the volcanic rocks from Snake River Plain, Yellowstone Hotspot-Constraints from experiments and phase equilibria modelling (2007 - 2012)

[Holtz] Melting and storage conditions of rhyolites in the Snake River Plain Province , USA (2018 - ongoing)

[Dingwell] Towards timescales of assimilation and magma mixing in the Large Igneous Province of Snake River Plain-Yellowstone, northwest United States (2011 - 2014)

[Holtz] Evolution of magma storage conditions along the track of Yellowstone Hotspot: investigation of the volcanic rocks from Snake River Plain (2012 - 2015)

[Behrens] Mechanisms of alteration of basaltic and rhyolitic glasses considering solution chemistry and passivating properties of palagonite - a case study on ICDP drilling sites Hawaii and Snake River Plain (2014 - 2015)

[Behrens] Mechanisms of alteration of basaltic and rhyolitic glasses considering solution chemistry and passivating properties of palagonite - a case study on ICDP drilling sites Hawaii and Snake River Plain (2012 - 2015)

[Holtz] Determination of the depth of rhyolitic magma chambers in the Snake River Plain province, USA,: an experimental calibration (2015 - 2016)

[Pross] Exploring the potential of a new North American Plio-Pleistocene paleoclimate record from the yet unopened drill core from paleo-Lake Idaho (2020 - 2021)

[Holtz] The mafic magma plumbing system in the Snake River Plain Province (Yellowstone hotspot, USA): Contribution from the analysis of crystal cargoes and melt inclusions in basaltic lavas from the Kimama drilling core. (2021 - ongoing)


Mantle plumes are thought to play a crucial role in the Earth’s thermal and tectonic evolution. They have long been implicated in the rifting and breakup of continents, and plume-derived melts play a significant role in the creation and modification of sub-continental mantle lithosphere. Much of our understanding of mantle plumes comes from plume tracks in oceanic lithosphere, but oceanic lithosphere is recycled back into the mantle by subduction, so if we are to understand plume-related volcanism prior to 200 Ma, we must learn how plume-derived magmas interact with continental lithosphere, and how this interaction effects the chemical and isotopic composition of lavas that erupt on the surface. Hotspot volcanism in oceanic lithosphere has been the subject of intense recent and ongoing studies (HSDP, IODP). These studies will provide base-line information about where mantle plumes originate, how they behave, and the volcanic products of these processes. However, hotspot volcanism within continental lithosphere has not been studied in such detail, and is potentially more complex. Most researchers believe that Yellowstone is the world’s best example of a mantle plume beneath continental crust. The Snake River Plain volcanic province, which represents the track of the Yellowstone plume, consists of basalts that are compositionally similar to ocean island basalts and rhyolites caldera complexes that herald the onset of plume-related volcanism. The Snake River Plain preserves a record of volcanic activity that spans over 12 Ma and is still active today (the last volcanic eruption was circa 2 ka BP). Thus, the Snake River Plain is unique and represents the world-class example of active intra-continental plume volcanism. Further, because it is young and tectonically undisturbed, the complete record of volcanic activity can only be sampled by drilling. This proposal seeks approval to pursue funding for an comprehensive, inter-disciplinary, intermediate-depth drilling scientific program in the Snake River Plain. This project was the subject of a 4-day ICDP-funded workshop in May 2006 that focused on the scientific basis for a formal drilling proposal, site selection and site selection criteria, and the logistics of coordinating this project. We envisage a transect along the axis of the SRP that will target the origin and evolution of plume-related volcanism in both space and time. Our plan is to leverage existing drill core and cuttings minimize costs and maximize scientific return. We propose drilling two new core holes to complete this transect: (1) 2.0-2.5 km hole in the central plain between Twin Falls and the INL site and (2) 1.5-2.0 km hole in the western SRP that penetrates the entire section of Miocene to Pliocene basalt which underlies Pliocene-Pleistocene lake sediments, and recovers rhyolite or basement from underneath. These drill holes will complement geophysical studies of continental dynamics planned by Earthscope, as well as current studies centered on Yellowstone.

Related Publications

Allstädt, Frederik (2022). "Into the icehouse: A palynological perspective on Olio-Pleistocene climate change in the Northern Hemisphere based on archives from Central Asia, North America and southern Europe" Dissertation

Allstädt, F. J., Koutsodendris, A., Appel, E., Rösler, W., Reichgelt, T., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Prokopenko, A. A., Pross, J. (2021). "Late Pliocene to early Pleistocene climate dynamics in western North America based on a new pollen record from paleo-Lake Idaho" Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 101 p177-195

Allstädt, F.J., Appel, E., Rösler, W., Prokopenko, A.A., Neumann, U., Wenzel, T., Pross, J. (2020). " Downward remagnetization of a ∼74 m thick zone in lake sediments from palaeo-Lake Idaho (NW United States) – Locating the Gauss/Matuyama geomagnetic boundary within a dual-polarity zone" Geophysical Journal International 222 (2) p754-768

Zhang C., Li X., Almeev R.R., Horn I., Behrens H., Holtz F. (2020). " Ti-in-quartz thermobarometry and TiO2 solubility in rhyolitic melts: New experiments and parametrization" Earth and Planetary Science Letters 538 p116213

Wilke, Sören, Holtz, François, Neave, David A., Almeev, Renat (2017). "The Effect of Anorthite Content and Water on Quartz–Feldspar Cotectic Compositions in the Rhyolitic System and Implications for Geobarometry" Journal of Petrology 58 p789-818

Dultz, Stefan, Behrens, Harald, Helsch, Gundula, Deubener, Joachim (2016). "Electrolyte effects on surface chemistry of basaltic glass in the initial stages of dissolution" Chemical Geology 426 p71-84

De Campos, Cristina P. (2015). "Chaotic Flow Patterns from a Deep Plutonic Environment: a Case Study on Natural Magma Mixing" Pure and Applied Geophysics 172 p1815-1833

Lavallée,Yan, Wadsworth,Fabian B., Vasseur,Jérémie, Russell,James K., Andrews,Graham D. M., Hess,Kai-Uwe, von Aulock,Felix W., Kendrick,Jackie E., Tuffen,Hugh, Biggin,Andrew J., Dingwell,Donald B. (2015). "Eruption and emplacement timescales of ignimbrite super-eruptions from thermo-kinetics of glass shards" Frontiers in Earth Science 3

Wilke, Sören, Klahn, Carolin, Bolte, Torsten, Almeev, Renat, Holtz, François (2015). "Experimental investigation of the effect of Ca, Fe and Ti on cotectic compositions of the rhyolitic system" European Journal of Mineralogy 27 p147-159

Wiesmaier, S., Morgavi, D., Renggli, C. J., Perugini, D., De Campos, C. P., Hess, K. U., Ertel-Ingrisch, W., Lavallée, Y., Dingwell, D. B. (2015). "Magma mixing enhanced by bubble segregation" Solid Earth 6 p1007-1023

Bolte, Torsten, Holtz, Francois, Almeev, Renat, Nash, Barbara (2015). "The Blacktail Creek Tuff: an analytical and experimental study of rhyolites from the Heise volcanic field, Yellowstone hotspot system" Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology p15

Dultz, Stefan, Boy, Jens, Dupont, Christoph, Halisch, Matthias, Behrens, Harald, Welsch, Anna-Maria, Erdmann, Martin, Cramm, Sandra, Helsch, Gundula, Deubener, Joachim (2014). "Alteration of a Submarine Basaltic Glass under Environmental Conditions Conducive for Microorganisms: Growth Patterns of the Microbial Community and Mechanism of Palagonite Formation" Geomicrobiology Journal p813-834

Morgavi, Daniele (2014). "Magma Mixing Interaction Between Rhyolitic and Basaltic Melt" Dissertation p121

Morgavi, Daniele, Perugini, Diego, De Campos, Cristina P., Ertl-Ingrisch, Werner, Lavallée, Yan, Morgan, Lisa, Dingwell, Donald B. (2013). "Interactions between rhyolitic and basaltic melts unraveled by chaotic mixing experiments" Chemical Geology 346 p199-212

Morgavi, Daniele, Perugini, Diego, De Campos, Cristina P., Ertel-Ingrisch, Werner, Dingwell, Donald B. (2013). "Morphochemistry of patterns produced by mixing of rhyolitic and basaltic melts" Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 253 p87-96

Perugini, D., De Campos, C. P., Dingwell, D. B., Dorfman, A. (2013). "Relaxation of concentration variance: A new tool to measure chemical element mobility during mixing of magmas" Chemical Geology 335 p8-23

Morgavi, Daniele, Perugini, Diego, De Campos, Cristina P., Ertel-Ingrisch, Werner, Dingwell, Donald B. (2013). "Time evolution of chemical exchanges during mixing of rhyolitic and basaltic melts" Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 166 p615-638

Almeev, Renat R., Bolte, Torsten, Nash, Barbara P., Holtz, François, Erdmann, Martin, Cathey, Henrietta E. (2012). "High-temperature, low-H2O Silicic Magmas of the Yellowstone Hotspot: an Experimental Study of Rhyolite from the Bruneau–Jarbidge Eruptive Center, Central Snake River Plain, USA" Journal of Petrology p1837-1866

Perugini, D., De Campos, C. P., Ertel-Ingrisch, W., Dingwell, D. B. (2012). "The space and time complexity of chaotic mixing of silicate melts: Implications for igneous petrology" Lithos 155 p326-340

De Campos, Cristina P., Perugini, Diego, Ertel-Ingrisch, Werner, Dingwell, Donald B., Poli, Giampiero (2011). "Enhancement of magma mixing efficiency by chaotic dynamics: an experimental study" Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 161 p863-881

Botcharnikov, R. E., Almeev, R. R., Koepke, J., Holtz, F. (2008). "Phase Relations and Liquid Lines of Descent in Hydrous Ferrobasalt—Implications for the Skaergaard Intrusion and Columbia River Flood Basalts" Journal of Petrology 49 p1687-1727