[TCDP] Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project



Year of Application: 2003

Expedition ID: 5009

Current Status: Completed

Master Data

Geologisches Alter: Miocene to Pliocene

Latitude: 24°11'54''N


Regionen & Städte:

Longitude: 120°45'7''E



Drilling Data

Drilling Depth: 2003.0
Core Yield: 75.28
Core Length: 1978.83
Amount of Drill Holes: 2
Amount of Drill Locations: 1

Core Length-Drill Depth-Ratio: 74.37
Core Yield-Core Length-Ratio: 75.28


The 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake (Mw7.7) produced spectacular surface faulting with vertical displacements of up to 8 m on the Chelungpu fault. The rupture behavior of this earthquake was well recorded by the Taiwan Strong Motion recorders, teleseismic data, and GPS-measurements. To understand the earthquake rupture process, one of the main issues is the level of stress on the fault before, during, and after the earthquake. The energy balance between the tectonic stress, dynamic friction, radiated energy, and heat dissipation controls the character of the dynamic rupture. Physical data is critical needed to make progress in understanding how large earthquakes occur.

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Amy I. Hsieh, Romain Vaucher, Ludvig Löwemark, Shahin E. Dashtgard, Chorng-Shern Horng, Andrew T. Lin, Christian Zeeden (2023). "Influence of a Rapidly Uplifting Orogen on the Preservation of Climate Oscillations" Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 38 p17