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Simon, Helge, Buske, Stefan, Hedin, P, Juhlin, C, Krauß, Felix, Giese, R (2019). "Anisotropic Kirchhoff pre-stack depth migration at the COSC-1 borehole, central Sweden" Geophysical Journal International 2019 p66-79

Krauß, Felix (2018). "Combination of Borehole Seismic and Downhole Logging to Investigate the Vicinity of the COSC-1 Borehole in Western Scandinavia" Dissertation p183

Hedin, Peter, Almqvist, Bjarne, Berthet, Théo, Juhlin, Christopher, Buske, Stefan, Simon, Helge, Giese, Rüdiger, Krauß, Felix, Rosberg, Jan-Erik, Alm, Per-Gunnar (2016). "3D reflection seismic imaging at the 2.5km deep COSC-1 scientific borehole, central Scandinavian Caledonides" Tectonophysics 689 p40-55