Scientific Drilling in the Basin of Mexico to Evaluate Climate History, Hydrological Resources, and Seismic and Volcanic Hazards

Startdate: 4 March, 2012
Enddate: 8 March, 2012

Status: held

A group of fifty scientists and students from eight countries met on the campus of UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) in Mexico City on 4–8 March 2012 to plan for a program of continental drilling that will  address a wide range of ongoing issues and hazards facing the Mexico City region. The initial impetus for the  workshop was investigation of a long and continuous climate and ecological record preserved in the lake sediments  underlying the city. Workshop attendees included participants with scientific interests in sediment core and borehole  instrumentation in this region, including experts in volcanology, seismology, hydrology, geodesy and the associated  geological hazards. The workshop was supported by the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP)  and UNAM.

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Brown, Erik T, Werne, Josef P, Lozano-García, Socorro, Caballero, Margarita, Ortega-Guerrero, Beatriz, Cabral-Cano, Enrique, Valero-Garces, Blas L, Schwalb, Antje, Arciniega-Ceballos, Alejandra (2012). "Scientific drilling in the basin of mexico to evaluate climate history, hydrological resources, and seismic and volcanic hazards" Scientific Drilling 14 p72-75