Prof. Dr. Axel Schippers
Institut: | Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe |
Adresse: | BGR Hannover Stilleweg 2 30655 Hannover |
Zugehörige Publikationen
Stranghoener, Marius, Dultz, Stefan, Behrens, Harald, Schippers, Axel (2020). "Far from equilibrium basaltic glass alteration: The influence of Fe redox state and thermal history on element mobilization" Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 273 p85-98
Stranghoener, Marius, Dultz, Stefan, Behrens, Harald, Schippers, Axel (2020). "Potential mobilizable Fe from secondary phases of differentially altered subsurface basaltic rock– a sequential extraction study on ICDP site Hawaii" Applied Geochemistry 121 p104705
Stranghörner, Marius, Schippers, Axel, Dultz, Stefan, Behrens, Harald (2018). "Experimental microbial alteration and Fe mobilization from basaltic rocks of the ICDP HSDP2 drill core, Hilo, Hawaii" Frontiers in Microbiology 9 p1-17
Breuker,Anja, Koeweker,Gerrit, Blazejak,Anna, Schippers,Axel (2011). "The Deep Biosphere in Terrestrial Sediments in the Chesapeake Bay Area, Virginia, USA" Frontiers in Microbiology p156