Zugehörige Publikationen

Berthold, Susann (2010). "Synthetic Convection Log — Characterization of vertical transport processes in fluid-filled boreholes" Journal of Applied Geophysics 72 p20-27

Berthold, Susann (2009). "Geophysikalischer Nachweis freier Konvektion in Grundwassermessstellen und Bohrungen" Dissertation

Börner, Frank, Berthold, Susann (2009). "Vertical flows in groundwater monitoring wells" Groundwater Geophysics: A Tool for Hydrogeology p367-389

Berthold, Susann, Börner, Frank (2008). "Detection of free vertical convection and double-diffusion in groundwater monitoring wells with geophysical borehole measurements" Environmental Geology 54 p1547-1566